Hello For those with the same problem, I found a completely stupid solution, which works! update user set lastlogin = IF(lastlogin != NOW(),NOW(),NOW()) where concat(userid,'@',domain)='$USER' For those now knowing what IF does... If lastlogin is not NOW() update it and set it to NOW() else set it to NOW() Well actualy this does exactly the same as update user set lastlogin = NOW() but surprisingly does not lead to the deadlock error, if lastlogin is already NOW(). Mit freundlichen GrĂ¼ssen Benoit Panizzon -- I m p r o W a r e A G - ______________________________________________________ Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel +41 61 826 93 07 CH-4133 Pratteln Fax +41 61 826 93 02 Schweiz Web http://www.imp.ch ______________________________________________________