Hi Sergei,
How do these tests fail? For example: Test = encryption.corrupted_during_recovery Error: "mysqltest: At line 25: query 'INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(2)' failed: 1932: Table 'test.t1' doesn't exist in engine"
What do you need as a reproducer, a small standalone program? The best way is to create some kind of script where you can see all of the
For the full log you can view it here: https://kojihub.stream.rdu2.redhat.com/kojifiles/work/tasks/7208/367208/buil... options that are passed to the server when the service is initialized. And the following SQL commands that are executed to the server (or if the test is not executing any commands in the server, then whatever it's executed after the server is started). On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 10:47 PM Sergei Golubchik <serg@mariadb.org> wrote:
Hi, Lukas!
On Oct 05, Lukas Javorsky wrote:
Hi guys,
I've found few particular tests from the test suite that is failing due to the OpenSSL-3 version and I want to separate them and give them to the OpenSSL team in Red Hat.
The idea behind this is to give them a set of commands/config options (reproducer) for each test and they will try to find out what's the exact problem there and help us develop the patch.
The tests that I'm interested in are (there are more of them, I just need to see how to reproduce few of them and I'll do the same for the other ones as well): encryption.corrupted_during_recovery encryption.innodb-checksum-algorithm encryption.innodb-discard-import-change encryption.innodb_page_encryption_key_change binlog_encryption.rpl_loaddata_local binlog_encryption.rpl_parallel_free_deferred_event
IMPORTANT: These tests are failing only with the 'cbc' cipher in use, the 'ctr' is passing.
Could you please help me with how to make a reproducer for each test, so I can create them and give them to the OpenSSL team?
How do these tests fail? What do you need as a reproducer, a small standalone program?
Regards, Sergei VP of MariaDB Server Engineering and security@mariadb.org
-- S pozdravom/ Best regards Lukáš Javorský Associate Software Engineer, Core service - Databases Red Hat <https://www.redhat.com> Purkyňova 115 (TPB-C) 612 00 Brno - Královo Pole ljavorsk@redhat.com <https://www.redhat.com>