Hi ,

I have a lot of questions about MariaDb if you can help please:

-     -  Comment on effectue le purge d’une table volumineuse (question partitionning à cause de ses contraintes) ?

- - - How the purge is done under MariaDB for volumineous tables (as the partitionning has a big constraint: no foreign keys)?

        - Are there any compatibility constraints between the storage engine?

       - Did MariaDb insure the plugins support ( the storage engine pligins...)?

-      - Is there any equivalent to the AUDIT_POLICIES of Oracle ?

-        - TDE (Transparent data encryption) is there any equivalent or a plugin?

-        - How does MariaDb accept a givin plugin in database,what are the conditions?

-        - How does MariaDB accomplish the encryption?

-        - As the Oracle package does'nt exist, how MariaDB structure its code ?

-        - Is there a plugin which can call a Java proc in MariaDB , other than the UDF function (as MariaDB cannot call directly a java proc)?

-      - What is the usage of virtual column ?

Many Thanks and Regards