Hi Joshua On 21/04/2010, at 3:07 AM, Joshua Partogi wrote:
I am getting MySQL server has gone away. I think there is an issue with how the MySQL Ruby driver establish connection to MySQL. I have been noticing that when there is inactivity in the application, MySQL would just fade away silently. I am going to monitor this again and see what is the root cause of this.
Just for clarity, this appears to be your connection going away, not the server crashing or shutting down or anything. To make sure of this you can check the Uptime in SHOW GLOBAL STATUS. The time an inactive connection stays in place is controlled by wait_timeout for applications (and interactive_wait_timeout for mysql cmdline client). Does your Ruby environment use persistent connections? Then still it should handle possibly loss of a connection as that can be caused just by general network errors as well - it's transient and not really an error that needs to break things on the front end or otherwise bother a user. Regards, Arjen. -- Arjen Lentz, Exec.Director @ Open Query (http://openquery.com) Exceptional Services for MySQL at a fixed budget. Follow our blog at http://openquery.com/blog/ OurDelta: packages for MySQL and MariaDB @ http://ourdelta.org