Reading 10.0.3 release notes: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/mariadb-1013-release-notes/ I see that IF EXISTS, IF NOT EXISTS and OR REPLACE are now almost consistent. "Almost" means that... OR REPLACE still doesn't apply to stored procedures, functions, triggers, events. Recently, during a public session, a PostgreSQL user asked me if MariaDB supports stored procedures - in his opinion, MySQL doesn't, no matter what the manual says. Unfortunately my answer was that MariaDB support for stored procedure is the same as MySQL ("so the answer is no", he said). I feel that these features are generally ignored. I don't understand the reason. While they have many problems in MariaDB/MySQL, some people still tries to use them. Even more people would use them if some developement was made on them. They are also used by important projects like Common Schema and Flexviews, but I'm sure that the authors have to struggle against limitations every time they change a line of code. I struggled hards for a much easier project - an SQL unit test tool. I have several problems in mind: performance, lack of variable number of arguments, cannot prepare a statement from a local variable, no debugger, no way to see the call stack... I'm writing this because I love MariaDB. This is not a hateful criticism: this is a request for something I waited for many years. I hope that you will keep procedures in mind, while planning the next major release. Regards Federico