Hey there again. So, I just today considered turning off PAM, largely to not have to deal with the setuid auth_pam_tool. We’re not going to be using pam, just internal accounts, so. I added -DPLUGIN_AUTH_PAM=NO and -DPLUGIN_AUTH_PAM_V1=NO to my build options, the same way I had turned off various other plugins I don’t need. But, when running cmake, I now see: CMake Error at cmake/plugin.cmake:283 (MESSAGE): Plugin AUTH_PAM cannot be built Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:413 (CONFIGURE_PLUGINS) I looked in CMakeOutput.log and CMakeError.log but don’t see anything that looks like related errors. And, I asked it not to build AUTH_PAM plugin, so it complaining that it can’t seems unusual. What did I miss? - Chris