* With MyRocks coming, should we drop TokuDB (and maybe even deprecate in 10.2?) - bugs that MariaDB Corporation reports to Percona don't seem to get fixed. Peter says that bugs are fixed for customers... and there is ongoing development to make it better
It is certainly disheartening that Percona isn't responsive to MariaDB bugs, but I'm sure you understand that it is hard for a competitor to fix bugs for another competitor. MariaDB maintains a forked version of TokuDB. It isn't fair to expect the upstream vendor to fix bugs that your customers are paying you to support, does it? Perhaps you should pay a percentage of your support fees for TokuDB issues to Percona, or come to some other support agreement. Perhaps YOU should make the bug fixes and submit them to Percona. You could have just hired somebody to work on it at MariaDB like you plan to do so for MyRocks, but you didn't. Don't blame Percona for your failure to properly be a steward of an open source fork!
This would be sad if that happened. Of course I can't say anything about internal issues but those I have followed on Jira regarding TokuDB have been fixed in upstream fairly quickly (even more the code has been updated to comply Marias standards/needs (like in case of memory allocation)). Also looking at MyRocks - in the current state it supports even less than toku ("No support for Partitions, Online DDL, Transportable Tablespace, Foreign Key, Spatial Index, and Fulltext Index") .. A major drawback (atleast until compressed binlogs are introduced) is the requirement for RBR as it in my case would skyrocket the used space. rr