Hi, Jonathan! On Jul 20, Jonathan Ellithorpe wrote:
Hmm... thanks for pointing that out about system metadata caching. I'll have the solve the problem of MariaDB thinking something exists (table/index/...) when it doesn't, or thinking that something doesn't exist when it does....
We have a solution for that, see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/table-discovery/ It was initially created exactly for this problem - when many MySQL servers connect to the same NDB cluster, and the table is created on one node and used on another. Note that to support for SQL semantics you might need some kind of a distributed lock manager. For example, the server does not expect table metadata to change *while the UPDATE is running*. Or if SELECT needs to do multiple table scans, it expects to see the same set or rows in all these table scans. Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and security@mariadb.org