Hello, we want, that a sql patch file can ONLY be applied if all commands in it can applied successful ! so our first try was: START TRANSACTION; statement1 statement2 statement3 statement4 .... COMMIT; problem: this is not working because an statement can also create table, which is an ddl command and which do an commit ! (https://mariadb.com/kb/en/start-transaction/#autocommit) .... DDL statements (CREATE, ALTER, DROP) and administrative statements (FLUSH, RESET, OPTIMIZE, ANALYZE, CHECK, REPAIR, CACHE INDEX), and LOAD DATA INFILE, cause an implicit COMMIT and start a new transaction. the result is that all before an failing create table statement will be applied ! so this is no solution. so how can i garantee that only whole files can be applied ?! Here is an sample: CREATE TABLE test (number int); START TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO test (number) VALUES (1); COMMIT; START TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO test (number) VALUES (2); COMMIT; START TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO test (number) VALUES (3); CREATE TABLE test (thiswillfail int); COMMIT; And the logs from mariadb: 8 Connect root@localhost as anonymous on arcus 8 Query CREATE TABLE test (number int) 8 Query START TRANSACTION 8 Query INSERT INTO test (number) VALUES (1) 8 Query COMMIT 8 Query START TRANSACTION 8 Query INSERT INTO test (number) VALUES (2) 8 Query COMMIT 8 Query START TRANSACTION 8 Query INSERT INTO test (number) VALUES (3) 8 Query CREATE TABLE test (thiswillfail int) 8 Quit And with another connection the table test SELECT * FROM test; 1 2 3 So we can see value 3 were persistet although there was no COMMIT !!!! because of autocommit when do an create table. But i want that nothing is applied from my sql file when something fail ! Greetings Robert