[Maria-developers] MariaDB Aria based Heap Alternative

Hello: I am beginning to work on a MEMORY/HEAP modification for the ARIA engine. This should compete favorably with the ORACLE times-ten option or SYBASE In-Memory DB. The goal is to replace the native MySQL Table-Locked HEAP table with a record-locked ARIA based HEAP table. It is my belief that not only should ARIA be the default transactional and non-transactional engine for Mysql, but it should be the default disk-based AND memory-based engine as well. Before I get too far down this road, is there an ARIA engine diagram that someone has done from the core ARIA team. Here is an example from Percona on XtraDB. http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/InnoDB_int.pn... Also, do the core ARIA developers have comments on modification of the ARIA engine to include a ARIA HEAP setting so the ARIA engine operates only on in-memory tables. Have you ideas on things that are already available to achieve this functionality. I currently have a working ARIA based MEMORY/HEAP alternative running under MariaDB 2.8.x on Linux if anybody wants to know how to make that work immediately. Next week, when I get my server parts, I will run mysqlslap benchmark tests on an 8 core server that should push I/O past the point that my current Dual core testing computer running HEAP vs ARIA HEAP. I want to see if I can push the Native HEAP past the point of the table locking limit and see if I can SCALE the ARIA HEAP to performance way beyond Native HEAP. I will publish more info after I get responses from the Maria DB development community. Mark Diener (Note to self-Fixed table cache)
participants (1)