Re: [Maria-developers] Repeated Error in accept: Bad file descriptor

Time Less <> writes:
The problem is that MySQL/MariaDB is using select() to accept new connections. But select() has a hard-coded limit of 1024 on the max number of open files it can support. It seems PBXT uses an open file descriptor per table,
Not two per table? It has it looks like many log files, then also a data and index file per table. On my system where I'm trying to use 1,000 tables, I expect about 2,000+[mumble] file handles.
Sure could be, I don't know the details, just that it seems to open >1000 files simultaneously.
You can't get out of the state again. The server won't accept connections, so you can't drop any tables. You just have to wipe the DB and start over. If PBXT is resilient to its tables disappearing between server restarts, you could rm files from the data directory.
One way is to use the --bootstrap parameter to mysqld (after stopping the server). This allows to start the server, run a set of commands, and shut down, without needing to connect. Something like (echo "DROP TABLE t1;" ; echo "DROP TABLE t2;"; ...) | mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --bootstrap (I actually tried this). One way or the other, it's a nasty bug. - Kristian.
participants (1)
Kristian Nielsen