[Maria-developers] Performance of index intersection

Hi! I've been using MySQL/MariaDB for two decades but have more recently been working with Elasticsearch. I knew to expect an inverted index to speed up querying full text fields, but I've been surprised (and a bit annoyed) at how fast ES can query structured data. (In my case, I'm largely looking for intersections of a number of varchar fields with lowish cardinality, e.g. WHERE country = 'US' AND client = 'Microsoft' AND status = 'Completed'.) Elasticsearch seems to have several things going on, but I think a core aspect, to use RDMS terminology, is that each column is indexed, and index unions/intersections are used if the WHERE clause references multiple columns. I've heard that MySQL/MariaDB has the ability to merge indexes, but I've rarely observed it in person. Googling for it yields a bunch of StackOverflow posts complaining how slow it is, with responses agreeing and explaining how to disable it. If I'm reading the MySQL/MariaDB code correctly, it looks like MariaDB will intersect indexes by looping through each index, reading the rowids of all matching keys and then, at the end (or once the buffer is full), checking whether each rowid is present in each index. I wonder if there's an opportunity to speed this up. If we first read in the rowids from one index (ideally the one with the fewest matches), we could tell the storage engine that, when reading the next index, it should skip over rowids lower than the next candidate intersection. In the best case scenario, I think this could enable InnoDB to use its page directory to skip past some of the keys, improving the performance from O(n) to O(log n). That said, this is all new to me. Maybe there's an obvious reason this wouldn't make much of an improvement, or maybe I've overlooked that it's already been done. However, if it looks promising to you folk, and it's something you'd consider merging, I'd be willing to attempt writing a PR for it. Thank you, David Sickmiller

Hello David, On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 09:07:09PM +1200, David Sickmiller wrote:
I've been using MySQL/MariaDB for two decades but have more recently been working with Elasticsearch. I knew to expect an inverted index to speed up querying full text fields, but I've been surprised (and a bit annoyed) at how fast ES can query structured data. (In my case, I'm largely looking for intersections of a number of varchar fields with lowish cardinality, e.g. WHERE country = 'US' AND client = 'Microsoft' AND status = 'Completed'.)
Elasticsearch seems to have several things going on, but I think a core aspect, to use RDMS terminology, is that each column is indexed, and index unions/intersections are used if the WHERE clause references multiple columns.
I've heard that MySQL/MariaDB has the ability to merge indexes, but I've rarely observed it in person. Googling for it yields a bunch of StackOverflow posts complaining how slow it is, with responses agreeing and explaining how to disable it.
If I'm reading the MySQL/MariaDB code correctly, it looks like MariaDB will intersect indexes by looping through each index, reading the rowids of all matching keys and then, at the end (or once the buffer is full), checking whether each rowid is present in each index.
There are two algorithms: 1. index_merge/intersection This is implemented in QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT_SELECT. It is applicable when rowids from each source we are merging come ordered by the rowid value. This requirement is met when the scan over a single-point range. If the table has an index defined as INDEX i1(col1, ..., colN) then index tuples that compare as equal are ordered by their rowid. That is, if one does an index scan over (col1, ... colN)=(const1, ..., constN) they will get the records i`n rowid order. QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT select will run the scans on all merged streams simultaneously and do ordered-stream-merge on them. 2. index_merge/sort-interesect ( https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/index_merge-sort_intersection/) This is implemented in QUICK_INDEX_INTERSECT_SELECT. The algorithm doesn't assume that the input streams are ordered. It scans all inputs and puts the rowids into a "Unique" object (think RB tree which overflows to disk). After the scans are finished, it can check which rowids were produced in all of the inputs, and those are in the intersection.
I wonder if there's an opportunity to speed this up. If we first read in the rowids from one index (ideally the one with the fewest matches), we could tell the storage engine that, when reading the next index, it should skip over rowids lower than the next candidate intersection.
This is a good idea, neither QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT_SELECT, nor QUICK_INDEX_INTERSECT_SELECT do this.
In the best case scenario, I think this could enable InnoDB to use its page directory to skip past some of the keys, improving the performance from O(n) to O(log n).
Agree. If the scans being merged produce data with non-overlapping rowid ranges, then things could be sped up. I'm just wondering how often this is the case in practice. Do you have any thoughts this?
That said, this is all new to me. Maybe there's an obvious reason this wouldn't make much of an improvement, or maybe I've overlooked that it's already been done. However, if it looks promising to you folk, and it's something you'd consider merging, I'd be willing to attempt writing a PR for it.
BR Sergei -- Sergei Petrunia, Software Developer MariaDB Corporation | Skype: sergefp | Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog

Hi Sergey!
In the best case scenario, I think this could enable InnoDB to use its page directory to skip past some of the keys, improving the performance from O(n) to O(log n).
Agree. If the scans being merged produce data with non-overlapping rowid ranges, then things could be sped up. I'm just wondering how often this is the case in practice. Do you have any thoughts this?
In case of a ecommerce solution using a Faceted Search, it happens really often! Usually users are moving away the Search part from MySQL to ElasticSearch / Algolia because the index merge performance is really poor. If we have this missing feature, it could improve a lot performances of such cases! BR, Jocelyn Fournier

Hello, More thoughts on this: Let's consider a query select * from t1 where key1=1 and key2=2 let's assume it uses index itnersection. Check the attached picture. It shows the table rowids at the center, key1 on the left, key2 on the right. There are three zones: - Zone A, where rowids matching 'key1=1' have no overlap with any rowids for 'key2=2' - Zone B, where rowids from two scans overlap. - Zone C, similar to zone A but at the end of the scan. Here, rowids matching key2=2 have no overlap. The current "merge-ordered-streams" algorithm takes care of "Zone C". the code will return EOF as soon as one of the merged streams has produced EOF. Now, let's look at Zone B. Here, the code would scan both indexes forward and search for records with key=1 that have matches with key=2. The search forward is this loop in QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT_SELECT::get_next: do { DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("innodb_quick_report_deadlock", DBUG_SET("+d,innodb_report_deadlock");); if (unlikely((error= quick->get_next()))) { /* On certain errors like deadlock, trx might be rolled back.*/ if (!thd->transaction_rollback_request) quick_with_last_rowid->file->unlock_row(); DBUG_RETURN(error); } quick->file->position(quick->record); cmp= head->file->cmp_ref(quick->file->ref, last_rowid); if (cmp < 0) { /* This row is being skipped. Release lock on it. */ quick->file->unlock_row(); } } while (cmp < 0); the quick->get_next() call (after several levels of indirection) do this storage engine API call: handler->index_next_same(); And the question is whether it would be faster if this call was made instead: handler->index_read_map(key_value, rowid_of_match_candidate); The answer is that it's faster to do a jump when we will jump over many records. When we jump over a few, it is actually slower than making several index_next_same() calls. The first reason for this is that doing seeks will break InnoDB's prefetch buffer optimization. There might be other reasons. I don't have any idea how one could predict the jump size. As for Zone A, we could jump it over with one jump. If we first read the rowid from "key2=2", then we could already use it when making a lookup with key1=1. But what if we first did an index lookup on key1=1? Then we will miss the chance to jump to the first rowid for that one sees for key2=2... If we assume that the first jump is more important than others, we could just look at the first record in each of the merged indexes and then feed them all back the maximum rowid we saw as the starting point. This would let us jump over zone A. I think, implementing "jump over zone A" is easier than inventing a way to do jumps while in zone B. (And this is actually what your idea was). A different question - are there any example datasets or queries we could try this on? One can of course construct an artificial dataset and queries but it would be much nicer to try this on a real dataset and a real query. BR -- Sergei P. On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 12:31:10PM +0300, Sergey Petrunia wrote:
Hello David,
On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 09:07:09PM +1200, David Sickmiller wrote:
I've been using MySQL/MariaDB for two decades but have more recently been working with Elasticsearch. I knew to expect an inverted index to speed up querying full text fields, but I've been surprised (and a bit annoyed) at how fast ES can query structured data. (In my case, I'm largely looking for intersections of a number of varchar fields with lowish cardinality, e.g. WHERE country = 'US' AND client = 'Microsoft' AND status = 'Completed'.)
Elasticsearch seems to have several things going on, but I think a core aspect, to use RDMS terminology, is that each column is indexed, and index unions/intersections are used if the WHERE clause references multiple columns.
I've heard that MySQL/MariaDB has the ability to merge indexes, but I've rarely observed it in person. Googling for it yields a bunch of StackOverflow posts complaining how slow it is, with responses agreeing and explaining how to disable it.
If I'm reading the MySQL/MariaDB code correctly, it looks like MariaDB will intersect indexes by looping through each index, reading the rowids of all matching keys and then, at the end (or once the buffer is full), checking whether each rowid is present in each index.
There are two algorithms:
1. index_merge/intersection
This is implemented in QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT_SELECT. It is applicable when rowids from each source we are merging come ordered by the rowid value.
This requirement is met when the scan over a single-point range. If the table has an index defined as
INDEX i1(col1, ..., colN)
then index tuples that compare as equal are ordered by their rowid. That is, if one does an index scan over
(col1, ... colN)=(const1, ..., constN)
they will get the records i`n rowid order.
QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT select will run the scans on all merged streams simultaneously and do ordered-stream-merge on them.
2. index_merge/sort-interesect ( https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/index_merge-sort_intersection/)
This is implemented in QUICK_INDEX_INTERSECT_SELECT.
The algorithm doesn't assume that the input streams are ordered.
It scans all inputs and puts the rowids into a "Unique" object (think RB tree which overflows to disk). After the scans are finished, it can check which rowids were produced in all of the inputs, and those are in the intersection.
I wonder if there's an opportunity to speed this up. If we first read in the rowids from one index (ideally the one with the fewest matches), we could tell the storage engine that, when reading the next index, it should skip over rowids lower than the next candidate intersection.
This is a good idea, neither QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT_SELECT, nor QUICK_INDEX_INTERSECT_SELECT do this.
In the best case scenario, I think this could enable InnoDB to use its page directory to skip past some of the keys, improving the performance from O(n) to O(log n).
Agree. If the scans being merged produce data with non-overlapping rowid ranges, then things could be sped up. I'm just wondering how often this is the case in practice. Do you have any thoughts this?
That said, this is all new to me. Maybe there's an obvious reason this wouldn't make much of an improvement, or maybe I've overlooked that it's already been done. However, if it looks promising to you folk, and it's something you'd consider merging, I'd be willing to attempt writing a PR for it.
BR Sergei -- Sergei Petrunia, Software Developer MariaDB Corporation | Skype: sergefp | Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog
BR Sergei -- Sergei Petrunia, Software Developer MariaDB Corporation | Skype: sergefp | Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog

Hi Sergey! Actually fetching min & max value for each keys (key1=1 and key2=2 in your case) should not cost much? Then you can compute the overlap zone (Zone B in your graph) and directly perform a jump on the beginning of Zone B and stop at the end of Zone B instead of EOF, using the index with the less amount of matching rows. BR, Jocelyn
Le 1 oct. 2019 à 21:31, Sergey Petrunia <sergey@mariadb.com> a écrit :
More thoughts on this:
Let's consider a query
select * from t1 where key1=1 and key2=2
let's assume it uses index itnersection.
Check the attached picture. It shows the table rowids at the center, key1 on the left, key2 on the right.
There are three zones:
- Zone A, where rowids matching 'key1=1' have no overlap with any rowids for 'key2=2'
- Zone B, where rowids from two scans overlap.
- Zone C, similar to zone A but at the end of the scan. Here, rowids matching key2=2 have no overlap.
The current "merge-ordered-streams" algorithm takes care of "Zone C". the code will return EOF as soon as one of the merged streams has produced EOF.
Now, let's look at Zone B. Here, the code would scan both indexes forward and search for records with key=1 that have matches with key=2.
The search forward is this loop in QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT_SELECT::get_next:
do { DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("innodb_quick_report_deadlock", DBUG_SET("+d,innodb_report_deadlock");); if (unlikely((error= quick->get_next()))) { /* On certain errors like deadlock, trx might be rolled back.*/ if (!thd->transaction_rollback_request) quick_with_last_rowid->file->unlock_row(); DBUG_RETURN(error); } quick->file->position(quick->record); cmp= head->file->cmp_ref(quick->file->ref, last_rowid); if (cmp < 0) { /* This row is being skipped. Release lock on it. */ quick->file->unlock_row(); } } while (cmp < 0);
the quick->get_next() call (after several levels of indirection) do this storage engine API call:
And the question is whether it would be faster if this call was made instead:
handler->index_read_map(key_value, rowid_of_match_candidate);
The answer is that it's faster to do a jump when we will jump over many records. When we jump over a few, it is actually slower than making several index_next_same() calls. The first reason for this is that doing seeks will break InnoDB's prefetch buffer optimization. There might be other reasons.
I don't have any idea how one could predict the jump size.
As for Zone A, we could jump it over with one jump. If we first read the rowid from "key2=2", then we could already use it when making a lookup with key1=1.
But what if we first did an index lookup on key1=1? Then we will miss the chance to jump to the first rowid for that one sees for key2=2...
If we assume that the first jump is more important than others, we could just look at the first record in each of the merged indexes and then feed them all back the maximum rowid we saw as the starting point. This would let us jump over zone A.
I think, implementing "jump over zone A" is easier than inventing a way to do jumps while in zone B. (And this is actually what your idea was).
A different question - are there any example datasets or queries we could try this on? One can of course construct an artificial dataset and queries but it would be much nicer to try this on a real dataset and a real query.
BR -- Sergei P.
On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 12:31:10PM +0300, Sergey Petrunia wrote:
Hello David,
On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 09:07:09PM +1200, David Sickmiller wrote:
I've been using MySQL/MariaDB for two decades but have more recently been working with Elasticsearch. I knew to expect an inverted index to speed up querying full text fields, but I've been surprised (and a bit annoyed) at how fast ES can query structured data. (In my case, I'm largely looking for intersections of a number of varchar fields with lowish cardinality, e.g. WHERE country = 'US' AND client = 'Microsoft' AND status = 'Completed'.)
Elasticsearch seems to have several things going on, but I think a core aspect, to use RDMS terminology, is that each column is indexed, and index unions/intersections are used if the WHERE clause references multiple columns.
I've heard that MySQL/MariaDB has the ability to merge indexes, but I've rarely observed it in person. Googling for it yields a bunch of StackOverflow posts complaining how slow it is, with responses agreeing and explaining how to disable it.
If I'm reading the MySQL/MariaDB code correctly, it looks like MariaDB will intersect indexes by looping through each index, reading the rowids of all matching keys and then, at the end (or once the buffer is full), checking whether each rowid is present in each index.
There are two algorithms:
1. index_merge/intersection
This is implemented in QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT_SELECT. It is applicable when rowids from each source we are merging come ordered by the rowid value.
This requirement is met when the scan over a single-point range. If the table has an index defined as
INDEX i1(col1, ..., colN)
then index tuples that compare as equal are ordered by their rowid. That is, if one does an index scan over
(col1, ... colN)=(const1, ..., constN)
they will get the records i`n rowid order.
QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT select will run the scans on all merged streams simultaneously and do ordered-stream-merge on them.
2. index_merge/sort-interesect ( https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/index_merge-sort_intersection/)
This is implemented in QUICK_INDEX_INTERSECT_SELECT.
The algorithm doesn't assume that the input streams are ordered.
It scans all inputs and puts the rowids into a "Unique" object (think RB tree which overflows to disk). After the scans are finished, it can check which rowids were produced in all of the inputs, and those are in the intersection.
I wonder if there's an opportunity to speed this up. If we first read in the rowids from one index (ideally the one with the fewest matches), we could tell the storage engine that, when reading the next index, it should skip over rowids lower than the next candidate intersection.
This is a good idea, neither QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT_SELECT, nor QUICK_INDEX_INTERSECT_SELECT do this.
In the best case scenario, I think this could enable InnoDB to use its page directory to skip past some of the keys, improving the performance from O(n) to O(log n).
Agree. If the scans being merged produce data with non-overlapping rowid ranges, then things could be sped up. I'm just wondering how often this is the case in practice. Do you have any thoughts this?
That said, this is all new to me. Maybe there's an obvious reason this wouldn't make much of an improvement, or maybe I've overlooked that it's already been done. However, if it looks promising to you folk, and it's something you'd consider merging, I'd be willing to attempt writing a PR for it.
BR Sergei -- Sergei Petrunia, Software Developer MariaDB Corporation | Skype: sergefp | Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog
BR Sergei -- Sergei Petrunia, Software Developer MariaDB Corporation | Skype: sergefp | Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog

Thanks so much for looking into this! Last weekend I started playing with the code, but it looks like I may need to upgrade to an SSD to get a reasonable build time. For Zone B I was imagining there would be a way to try increasingly large jumps, perhaps aided by an index cursor that remembered some information it saw as it walked through the B*-tree and page directory. I'm happy to hear an optimization to skip over Zone A looks fairly easy. As for real data, do full-text indexes return rowid-ordered rows? If so, queries for a long-tail word (e.g. "hobbit") AND a frequent value (e.g. soft_deleted=0) should benefit significantly from skipping over Zone A. Maybe we could use a Wikipedia dump? Thank you, David On Wed, 2 Oct 2019, 8:51 AM jocelyn fournier, <jocelyn.fournier@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Sergey!
Actually fetching min & max value for each keys (key1=1 and key2=2 in your case) should not cost much? Then you can compute the overlap zone (Zone B in your graph) and directly perform a jump on the beginning of Zone B and stop at the end of Zone B instead of EOF, using the index with the less amount of matching rows.
BR, Jocelyn
Le 1 oct. 2019 à 21:31, Sergey Petrunia <sergey@mariadb.com> a écrit :
More thoughts on this:
Let's consider a query
select * from t1 where key1=1 and key2=2
let's assume it uses index itnersection.
Check the attached picture. It shows the table rowids at the center, key1 on the left, key2 on the right.
There are three zones:
- Zone A, where rowids matching 'key1=1' have no overlap with any rowids for 'key2=2'
- Zone B, where rowids from two scans overlap.
- Zone C, similar to zone A but at the end of the scan. Here, rowids matching key2=2 have no overlap.
The current "merge-ordered-streams" algorithm takes care of "Zone C". the code will return EOF as soon as one of the merged streams has produced EOF.
Now, let's look at Zone B. Here, the code would scan both indexes forward and search for records with key=1 that have matches with key=2.
The search forward is this loop in QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT_SELECT::get_next:
do { DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("innodb_quick_report_deadlock", DBUG_SET("+d,innodb_report_deadlock");); if (unlikely((error= quick->get_next()))) { /* On certain errors like deadlock, trx might be rolled back.*/ if (!thd->transaction_rollback_request) quick_with_last_rowid->file->unlock_row(); DBUG_RETURN(error); } quick->file->position(quick->record); cmp= head->file->cmp_ref(quick->file->ref, last_rowid); if (cmp < 0) { /* This row is being skipped. Release lock on it. */ quick->file->unlock_row(); } } while (cmp < 0);
the quick->get_next() call (after several levels of indirection) do this storage engine API call:
And the question is whether it would be faster if this call was made instead:
handler->index_read_map(key_value, rowid_of_match_candidate);
The answer is that it's faster to do a jump when we will jump over many records. When we jump over a few, it is actually slower than making several index_next_same() calls. The first reason for this is that doing seeks will break InnoDB's prefetch buffer optimization. There might be other reasons.
I don't have any idea how one could predict the jump size.
As for Zone A, we could jump it over with one jump. If we first read the rowid from "key2=2", then we could already use it when making a lookup with key1=1.
But what if we first did an index lookup on key1=1? Then we will miss the chance to jump to the first rowid for that one sees for key2=2...
If we assume that the first jump is more important than others, we could just look at the first record in each of the merged indexes and then feed them all back the maximum rowid we saw as the starting point. This would let us jump over zone A.
I think, implementing "jump over zone A" is easier than inventing a way to do jumps while in zone B. (And this is actually what your idea was).
A different question - are there any example datasets or queries we could try this on? One can of course construct an artificial dataset and queries but it would be much nicer to try this on a real dataset and a real query.
BR -- Sergei P.
Hello David,
On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 09:07:09PM +1200, David Sickmiller wrote:
I've been using MySQL/MariaDB for two decades but have more recently been working with Elasticsearch. I knew to expect an inverted index to speed up querying full text fields, but I've been surprised (and a bit annoyed) at how fast ES can query structured data. (In my case, I'm largely looking for intersections of a number of varchar fields with lowish cardinality, e.g. WHERE country = 'US' AND client = 'Microsoft' AND status = 'Completed'.)
Elasticsearch seems to have several things going on, but I think a core aspect, to use RDMS terminology, is that each column is indexed, and index unions/intersections are used if the WHERE clause references multiple columns.
I've heard that MySQL/MariaDB has the ability to merge indexes, but I've rarely observed it in person. Googling for it yields a bunch of StackOverflow posts complaining how slow it is, with responses agreeing and explaining how to disable it.
If I'm reading the MySQL/MariaDB code correctly, it looks like MariaDB will intersect indexes by looping through each index, reading the rowids of all matching keys and then, at the end (or once the buffer is full), checking whether each rowid is present in each index.
There are two algorithms:
1. index_merge/intersection
This is implemented in QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT_SELECT. It is applicable when rowids from each source we are merging come ordered by the rowid value.
This requirement is met when the scan over a single-point range. If the
has an index defined as
INDEX i1(col1, ..., colN)
then index tuples that compare as equal are ordered by their rowid. That is, if one does an index scan over
(col1, ... colN)=(const1, ..., constN)
they will get the records i`n rowid order.
QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT select will run the scans on all merged streams simultaneously and do ordered-stream-merge on them.
2. index_merge/sort-interesect ( https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/index_merge-sort_intersection/)
This is implemented in QUICK_INDEX_INTERSECT_SELECT.
The algorithm doesn't assume that the input streams are ordered.
It scans all inputs and puts the rowids into a "Unique" object (think RB tree which overflows to disk). After the scans are finished, it can check which rowids were produced in all of the inputs, and those are in the intersection.
I wonder if there's an opportunity to speed this up. If we first read in the rowids from one index (ideally the one with the fewest matches), we could tell the storage engine that, when reading the next index, it should skip over rowids lower than the next candidate intersection.
This is a good idea, neither QUICK_ROR_INTERSECT_SELECT, nor QUICK_INDEX_INTERSECT_SELECT do this.
In the best case scenario, I think this could enable InnoDB to use its page
On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 12:31:10PM +0300, Sergey Petrunia wrote: table directory
to skip past some of the keys, improving the performance from O(n) to O(log n).
Agree. If the scans being merged produce data with non-overlapping rowid ranges, then things could be sped up. I'm just wondering how often this is the case in practice. Do you have any thoughts this?
That said, this is all new to me. Maybe there's an obvious reason this wouldn't make much of an improvement, or maybe I've overlooked that it's already been done. However, if it looks promising to you folk, and it's something you'd consider merging, I'd be willing to attempt writing a PR for it.
BR Sergei -- Sergei Petrunia, Software Developer MariaDB Corporation | Skype: sergefp | Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog
BR Sergei -- Sergei Petrunia, Software Developer MariaDB Corporation | Skype: sergefp | Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog

Hello, On Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 06:55:55PM +1300, David Sickmiller wrote:
Last weekend I started playing with the code, but it looks like I may need to upgrade to an SSD to get a reasonable build time.
Did you try -jN argument to make, where N is about 2x number of cpus..
For Zone B I was imagining there would be a way to try increasingly large jumps, perhaps aided by an index cursor that remembered some information it saw as it walked through the B*-tree and page directory.
I'm not sure if I follow this idea... I was thinking of something like a forward scan that would continue forward until the end of the prefetch buffer, the end of the page, etc. This way, any advantages of a continuous scan will still be there. But as soon as we need to jump forward, we will use the new index lookup value.
I'm happy to hear an optimization to skip over Zone A looks fairly easy.
Ok, I've filed an MDEV for it, and have put in some details: https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-20819
As for real data, do full-text indexes return rowid-ordered rows? If so, queries for a long-tail word (e.g. "hobbit") AND a frequent value (e.g. soft_deleted=0) should benefit significantly from skipping over Zone A. Maybe we could use a Wikipedia dump?
The issue with this is that fulltext scan cannot be a part of index_merge. But perhaps it would be possible to find a non-full-text condition. BR Sergei -- Sergei Petrunia, Software Developer MariaDB Corporation | Skype: sergefp | Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog
participants (3)
David Sickmiller
jocelyn fournier
Sergey Petrunia