[Maria-developers] Invalid code in server_audit.c

Hi Alexei, While investigating community contributions from Daniel Black (MDEV-9433), I came across this comment: [image: danblack]Daniel Black <https://mariadb.atlassian.net/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=danblack> added a comment - 2016-01-20 02:54 [plugin/server_audit/server_audit.c:402]: (error) Invalid number of character '{' when these macros are defined: 'DBUG_VOID_RETURN=return;DBUG_RETURN(a)=return a;HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE'. [plugin/server_audit/server_audit.c:402]: (error) Invalid number of character '{' when these macros are defined: 'DBUG_VOID_RETURN=return;DBUG_RETURN(a)=return a;HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE;HUGETLB_USE_PROC_MEMINFO'. [plugin/server_audit/server_audit.c:402]: (error) Invalid number of character '{' when these macros are defined: 'DBUG_VOID_RETURN=return;DBUG_RETURN(a)=return a;HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE;USE_ALARM_THREAD'. Exists in 5.5 https://github.com/MariaDB/server/blob/5.5/plugin/server_audit/server_audit.... Remove second {{ I've had a look at the code mentioned there and key_LOCK_bigbuffer does not exist anywhere else. Since we're not getting any compilation issues, it means we're not compiling that bit of code due to the defines. This indeed is so, as MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN is defined for that file on the default cmake config which leads to FLOGGER being defined. I could not figure out a way to actually compile the code with defines such that that bit of code actually compiles. Either way it would not compile, due to the missing symbol. Do you think that we should just remove the line that mentions key_LOCK_bigbuffer? Also, since this is something we have not caught during testing, can we test for this compilation configuration somehow? Vicentiu
participants (1)
Vicențiu Ciorbaru