[Maria-developers] Progress Report - Week 1-2
Good day, everyone. In this post, I want to describe the things I've done in the 1-2 weeks of GSoC-20. For begin, I messaged with my mentor Vladislav Vaintroub and I got some tips on where to start. The first step was to run the server and tests for MariaDB on Linux and Windows. At this stage, a little bug was found, which was documented by my mentor https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-22479. The next step was to look at the theoretical part of my work. Specifically, what algorithm to use for dynamic concurrency. This is the algorithm "hill-climbing", which is used in .NET ThreadPool https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228977836_Optimizing_concurrency_le... . In the last step, I started to get into the work of the current ThreadPool in MariaDB. At the moment this step is not completed yet. What needs to be done next: Fully understand the theoretic part and how the current thread pool works. Regards, Anton MIkhailenko
participants (1)
Anton Mikhaylenko