[Maria-developers] some questions for the community

Hello, I am a student of Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications. My name is yangfan.I want to ask something about community code sharing and GSOC. I am now in my sophomore year, and I am very interested in databases, especially your marria database. I am now familiar with the c/c++ language and master the basic Linux system programming and network programming. Currently learning C++ multi-threaded programming. I can use basic SQL statements, databases, basic Linux commands, and some knowledge about operating systems and networks. I joined the xiyou linux group. Now, I want to learn quickly and contribute code to your community. Can you tell me what to do? And I want to participate in GSOC in 2022. If you can give me some help, I will be very happy. I only learned about open source culture from university. After a long period of study and thinking, I feel that open source is a very mea ningful thing. It not only helps personal growth but also helps a product iteration. The slogan of our group is free sharing and openness. At the same time, I continue to promote open source culture. I am fascinated by this culture. I also want to join a community and make my contribution to you. Although my current ability is not very strong, but I will continue to work hard. I am very interested in programming, and I want to focus on distributed and database work now and in the future. Maybe my English is not very good, I hope you can be more tolerant.
participants (1)