Re: [Maria-developers] [Commits] 47fea67: MDEV-12 OpenGIS: create required tables: GeometryColumns, related views.

Hi, Alexey! On Sep 02, Alexey Botchkov wrote:
revision-id: 47fea6798f0f37b8a42ad047d7daf6ec9bb52813 parent(s): e44751b65f4760067d15f8a526e8f97f84810c29 committer: Alexey Botchkov branch nick: timestamp: 2014-09-02 11:31:26 +0500 message:
MDEV-12 OpenGIS: create required tables: GeometryColumns, related views. GEOMETRY_COLUMNS and SPATIAL_REF_SYS tables added to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/information_schema.result b/mysql-test/r/information_schema.result index 6df5b89..93c9e90 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/information_schema.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/information_schema.result @@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ create view v1 (c) as SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema IN ('mysql', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'test', 'mysqltest') AND table_name not like 'ndb_%' AND table_name not like 'innodb_%' AND -table_name not like 'xtradb_%'; +table_name not like 'xtradb_%' AND +table_name not like 'geometry%' AND table_name not like 'spatial%';
Why did you filter these tables out? Normally, only plugin-created tables are filtered out, because these plugins might be disabled in the build. But we don't ever build without geometry, do we? I'd keep these tables in the result.
select * from v1; c ALL_PLUGINS diff --git a/mysql-test/t/gis.test b/mysql-test/t/gis.test index c387069..1a07a33 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/gis.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/gis.test @@ -1461,3 +1461,7 @@ insert into t1 values(Geomfromtext('POLYGON((1 1, 2 2, 2 1, 1 1))')); drop table t1;
--echo End of 5.5 tests + +SHOW CREATE TABLE information_schema.geometry_columns; +SHOW CREATE TABLE information_schema.spatial_ref_sys;
Please, add tests for the content of these tables. Then ok to push (assuming these new tests will work fine). Regards, Sergei
participants (1)
Sergei Golubchik