[Maria-developers] WL#233 New (by Aag): Partial Range Indx

----------------------------------------------------------------------- WORKLOG TASK -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TASK...........: Partial Range Indx CREATION DATE..: Thu, 28 Jul 2011, 10:44 SUPERVISOR.....: IMPLEMENTOR....: COPIES TO......: CATEGORY.......: Maria-RawIdeaBin TASK ID........: 233 (http://askmonty.org/worklog/?tid=233) VERSION........: WorkLog-4.0 STATUS.........: Un-Assigned PRIORITY.......: 60 WORKED HOURS...: 0 ESTIMATE.......: 0 (hours remain) ORIG. ESTIMATE.: 0 PROGRESS NOTES: DESCRIPTION: A way to make Indices significantly useful in some usage scenarios: Scoping the index to a specific range of values. This can be useful if some queries are only performed on a specific subset of the rows. Example: A process that implements a state machine for each row. All finished tasks have the state -1. To lookup the next task to perform only states > -1 have to be considered. Creating an index for the criteria to find the next task quickly would also index all the finished tasks. Which can make index creation expensive and waste several Gigabytes of diskspace (assuming millions of entries in the DB). While partitioning promises similar effects (a second axis for query optimizations) it is rendered utterly useless by its restriction that the partioning index must occur in *all* primary and unique keys which means one cannot define a large natural key via unique and a small artificial ID as primary key and then partition by an unrelated aspect (such as the state in my example). Range-restricted indices would allow similar optimizations: specify a range-restricted column as first column and then add the remaining criteria as other columns. ESTIMATED WORK TIME ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WorkLog (v4.0.0)
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