All, Just letting you know that we're in the progress of getting the releases ready. The issue where this is tracked is: * https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-35030 Branches being released are at the tips of these branches: bb-10.5-release (LTS) bb-10.6-release (LTS) bb-10.11-release (LTS) bb-11.2-release bb-11.4-release (LTS) bb-11.6-release bb-11.7-release So far the code is merged up to bb-11.4-release. Later branches will be updated, check history before using. There are two blocking bugs on bb-11.2-release onwards affecting compilation of the columnstore and connect storage engine. In addition to compiling the source yourselves; Containers: quay.ion/mariadb-foundation/mariadb-devel:{release} list: https://quay.io/repository/mariadb-foundation/mariadb-devel?tab=tags note: * 11.4 is from the 11.4 branch rather than bb-11.4-release, * 11.2 didn't build due to blocker bugs). Repos for testing: https://ci.mariadb.org/ contains for deb and rpm distros a repo file in the form: bb-{version}-release-latest-{arch}-{distro}-{version}-{deb|rpm}-autobake.{sources|repo} Please report any serious regressions with a Blocker priority bug, and mark this issue blocking MDEV-35030.
participants (1)
Daniel Black