[Maria-developers] first contribution

Hi, after some struggling I got this message from Bazaar: Created new stacked branch referring to /+branch-id/633549. I hope everything worked fine. If not let me know so that I can correct it. I created a branch to 10.0.4 of MariaDB and named it: contrib_AQ_01. I've uploaded this some minutes before. For some time I played with the source of MySQL 5.5.8. I've taken some of my modifications to MariaDB 10.0.4 and want to give them to you for further discussions. To say it first: this is not production-ready-code, it's a proof of a concept. My modifications are made for the MyIsam-engine in the handling of a full table-scan with a table of dynamic sized records. The reason for uploading this is: during my tests I executed statements like SELECT * FROM table INTO OUTFILE 'x.x'; With my test-data this took about 20 seconds with the original code and 12 seconds with my modifications. I've tested my code with a single table which contains 10 Mio records, a total size of 1GB. As i've written before: it's a proof of concept. I've not implemented all the possible cases. I wanted to know if a full implementation is a complete waste of time or if it is a bit useful (in this case I will do it). Some more details: in mi_dynrec.c there is a funtion _mi_get_block_info() and i've added a funtion AQ_mi_get_block_info(), these 2 functions do the same thing but in a different way. In my version of this function I've implemented only those case that I needed for my tests. Because I started with examining the source of MySQL I modified the code in the MyIsam-engine and applied these to the MyIsam-engine in MariaDB. For staying compatible with MySQL I think it's better to use these modifications in the Maria-engine of MariaDB, but only if you agree with my approach. This is what I modified: in myisamdef.h I added: #define USE_CODE_OF_AQ converting this line in a comment allowed me to use the old code, a define with this identifier activates my code after a recompile. This allowed me to do some comparisons. You will find my modifications in myisamdef.h, mi_dynrec.c and mi_extra.c if you look for this identifier. Please look at my approach. If you agree I will continue with this and check all the cases which i didn't touch for now. thank you AugustQ
participants (1)