[Maria-developers] On possible bug in get_partial_join_cost()

Hi Timour, Answers to irc questions: <timour> spetrunia, I found a problem in get_partial_join_cost(), could you please look at this: <timour> for (uint i= join->const_tables; i < n_tables + join->const_tables ; i++) <timour> spetrunia, why "i < n_tables + join->const_tables" ? isn't the number of tables always the same? <timour> That is, shouldn't we just skip the constant tables assuming they are in the beginning of join->best_positions ? Yes we should skip the constant tables, and they are at the beginning of best_positions. The number of tables passed as n_tables varies across different invocations of get_partial_join_cost(): uint n_tables= my_count_bits(sj_nest->sj_inner_tables & ~join->const_table_map); SJ_MATERIALIZATION_INFO* sjm; if (!(sjm= new SJ_MATERIALIZATION_INFO) || !(sjm->positions= (POSITION*)join->thd->alloc(sizeof(POSITION)* n_tables))) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); /* purecov: inspected */ sjm->tables= n_tables; sjm->is_used= FALSE; double subjoin_out_rows, subjoin_read_time; get_partial_join_cost(join, n_tables, &subjoin_read_time, &subjoin_out_rows); Here one can see that n_tables is "number of non-constant tables within an SJ-Materialization nest". Different nests will contain different numbers of tables. <timour> spetrunia, I changed the loop upper boundary to n_tables, then I get few improved EXPLAINS, and got a crash, then I had to leave. I think the change is wrong: if you stop at n_tables, that means that partial_join_cost() has done optimization for the first (n_tables - join->const_tables) non-constant tables, which is not right. If you need further help, could you give a concrete example that causes the problem? BR Sergey -- Sergey Petrunia, Software Developer Monty Program AB, http://askmonty.org Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog
participants (1)
Sergey Petrunya