[Maria-developers] Buildbot will be down start of next week due to upgrade
Next week, on Monday, I plan to take down Buildbot and start the upgrade process to version 0.8.x. This is a somewhat major upgrade, as Buildbot 0.8 switches to storing all its state and history in a MySQL (well MariaDB probably ;-) database rather than gazilions of Python-encoded files. Hopefully this will speed up our Buildbot, which has frankly gotten painfully slow. I plan to stop Buildbot, take a full backup, then attempt the upgrade and data conversion. Buildbot will be down this time, which I estimate could be 1-2 days, but it is hard to tell for sure without knowing what issues could arise. If the upgrade fails in some way, I will revert from the backup (but I hope of course to get it running on the new version).
From reading the docs, it looks like we will loose the history of past builds. I will see if there is some way to avoid that, but if not I suppose we can still live with it (note that the cross-reference search of old test failures is not affected by the upgrade, and will not loose any history).
- Kristian.
Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org> writes:
Next week, on Monday, I plan to take down Buildbot and start the upgrade process to version 0.8.x.
BTW, there should be no actions needed for the build slaves, the can remain on whatever version they were before, and they should re-connect automatically once the master is back up. This upgrade is for the master only. - Kristian.
Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org> writes:
Next week, on Monday, I plan to take down Buildbot and start the upgrade process to version 0.8.x.
I finished the upgrade, and Buildbot should be back up on 0.8.3! There were a number of issues during the install, but I managed to fix everything I found so far. Please let me know if you encounter anything that broke, and I will see if I can fix it. There are a number of new features in 0.8.3, it will be interesting to discover and explore them, I have not really looked into this yet. Also, now the Buildbot state is stored in a MariaDB database. This opens up exiting possibitilies for doing custum reporting outside of Buildbot! If anyone has some ideas for this, let me know and we could set up some database access to develop the stuff on. - Kristian.
My notification script was going haywire and then I realized you were doing the upgrade. :-) Nice new interface! Good stuff.
participants (2)
Adam M. Dutko
Kristian Nielsen