[Maria-developers] xa transaction cause replication broken

hello I have another problem witch seems like a bug(Server version: 5.5.5-10.0.2-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server). the problem is about the replication for the xa transactions when the master crashed and then restarted. I know when we do a transaction, the queries will be stored in the binlog cache, after commit, flush the binlog cache into the binlog file, any normal un-committed transactions will be rollbacked when the server crashed then restarted, but the prepared xa transactions are not. Prepared xa transactions can be recovered use the command 'xa recover', then committed use 'xa commit xid', but the binlog cache is empty when the master restart, so if we do the 'xa commit xid', nothing to be recorded into the binlog files, the replication will be broken. test: master mysql> create table t(id int auto_increment primary key, a int) engine=innodb; mysql> xa start '111'; mysql> insert into t(a) values(1); mysql> xa end '111'; mysql> xa prepare '111'; kill -9 master_pid restart the master mysql> xa recover; +----------+--------------+--------------+------+ | formatID | gtrid_length | bqual_length | data | +----------+--------------+--------------+------+ | 1 | 3 | 0 | 111 | +----------+--------------+--------------+------+ mysql> xa commit '111'; mysql> select * from t; Empty set (0.00 sec) why? I did the xa commit '111', but no result return, maybe another bug? do the test continue mysql> xa start '222'; mysql> insert into t(a) values(2); mysql> xa end '222'; mysql> prepare '222'; mysql> xa commit '111'; mysql> select * from t; +----+------+ | id | a | +----+------+ | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | +----+------+ value(1,1) return at this time, why? what's hanppen on the slave? mysql> select * from t; +----+------+ | id | a | +----+------+ | 2 | 2 | +----+------+ the replication is broken now!! by the way, when the xa transactions preapred, if the client exit, the transactions will be rollbacked in the THD::cleanup function, maybe the server rollback all the xa prepared transcations when restart is a good method? 2013-05-02 jhx1008 @netease

Hi, jhx1008! This also looks very much like a bug to me. Could you please report it at mariadb.org/jira ? On May 02, jhx1008 wrote:
hello I have another problem witch seems like a bug(Server version: 5.5.5-10.0.2-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server). the problem is about the replication for the xa transactions when the master crashed and then restarted. I know when we do a transaction, the queries will be stored in the binlog cache, after commit, flush the binlog cache into the binlog file, any normal un-committed transactions will be rollbacked when the server crashed then restarted, but the prepared xa transactions are not. Prepared xa transactions can be recovered use the command 'xa recover', then committed use 'xa commit xid', but the binlog cache is empty when the master restart, so if we do the 'xa commit xid', nothing to be recorded into the binlog files, the replication will be broken. test: master mysql> create table t(id int auto_increment primary key, a int) engine=innodb; mysql> xa start '111'; mysql> insert into t(a) values(1); mysql> xa end '111'; mysql> xa prepare '111'; kill -9 master_pid restart the master mysql> xa recover; +----------+--------------+--------------+------+ | formatID | gtrid_length | bqual_length | data | +----------+--------------+--------------+------+ | 1 | 3 | 0 | 111 | +----------+--------------+--------------+------+ mysql> xa commit '111'; mysql> select * from t; Empty set (0.00 sec) why? I did the xa commit '111', but no result return, maybe another bug? do the test continue mysql> xa start '222'; mysql> insert into t(a) values(2); mysql> xa end '222'; mysql> prepare '222'; mysql> xa commit '111'; mysql> select * from t; +----+------+ | id | a | +----+------+ | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | +----+------+ value(1,1) return at this time, why?
what's hanppen on the slave? mysql> select * from t; +----+------+ | id | a | +----+------+ | 2 | 2 | +----+------+ the replication is broken now!!
by the way, when the xa transactions preapred, if the client exit, the transactions will be rollbacked in the THD::cleanup function, maybe the server rollback all the xa prepared transcations when restart is a good method?
Regards, Sergei

Hi, jhx1008! On May 02, Sergei Golubchik wrote:
Hi, jhx1008!
This also looks very much like a bug to me. Could you please report it at mariadb.org/jira ?
Thanks! Just for the reference - in case anyone on the list is following, it's https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-4470
On May 02, jhx1008 wrote:
hello I have another problem witch seems like a bug(Server version: 5.5.5-10.0.2-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server). the problem is about the replication for the xa transactions when the master crashed and then restarted. I know when we do a transaction, the queries will be stored in the binlog cache, after commit, flush the binlog cache into the binlog file, any normal un-committed transactions will be rollbacked when the server crashed then restarted, but the prepared xa transactions are not. Prepared xa transactions can be recovered use the command 'xa recover', then committed use 'xa commit xid', but the binlog cache is empty when the master restart, so if we do the 'xa commit xid', nothing to be recorded into the binlog files, the replication will be broken. test: master Regards, Sergei
participants (2)
Sergei Golubchik