Re: [Maria-developers] Getting community to write missing test cases

Elena Stepanova <> writes:
If we start doing it, Oracle will soon realize that this activity is based at least as much on commit comments as on the code. As a result, they will probably start making much vaguer comments than they do now, which in turn might make merge and related activities even more complicated than they are now.
I wouldn't worry about that. First, I do not believe day-to-day developers spend any effort to actively conceal things for outside developers. The ban on bug test cases seems to have come from a generic security team mandate, which has roots some years back where Oracle were hit quite hard with countless vulnerabilities after their "can't break it - can't break in" campain. Second, even if they did, anything that makes Oracle close down more benefits the adoption of the forks. But most importantly, we must not get into the mentality that we let what Oracle might or might not do influence how we work. We need to go in whatever direction we believe is best for the project. Oracle has made it plain that they do not want to participate in the community, and we should just ignore them until such time as they might decide otherwise. - Kristian.
participants (1)
Kristian Nielsen