Re: [Maria-developers] [Commits] e386523: MDEV-7526: TokuDB doesn't build on OS X

Hi, Vicentiu! On Dec 19, Vicentiu Ciorbaru wrote:
revision-id: e386523a41245d8b03f1338934c1aa965530e4fc (mariadb-5.5.47-10-ge386523) parent(s): f39b9e04db1e71e72bfc19174f257db5147df440 author: Vicențiu Ciorbaru committer: Vicențiu Ciorbaru timestamp: 2015-12-19 14:14:16 +0200 message:
MDEV-7526: TokuDB doesn't build on OS X
Fixed compile warning related to if statement always being true. The if statement can not be false, as the address of a member field is always true.
ok to push Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and -- Vote for my Percona Live 2016 talks:
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