[Maria-developers] Myisam-repair-threads question
Hi Im currently doing a reload process to an empty myisam table with 4 indexes on Maria db 10 1 13 on win64 and noted that on the last step that the status reports that its using repair to rebuild the table. Myisam-repair-threads remain the default but noted that many threads were running .im not sure if all of them were for repair. Is there any recommendation which i should take using the referred setting with a greater value?would setting it to zero make maridb decide which is there best value? Would the indexes get too much fragmented ? Thanks!
Hi, Alexandre! On Jun 07, Alexandre hadjinlian guerra wrote:
Im currently doing a reload process to an empty myisam table with 4 indexes on Maria db 10 1 13 on win64 and noted that on the last step that the status reports that its using repair to rebuild the table. Myisam-repair-threads remain the default but noted that many threads were running .im not sure if all of them were for repair. Is there any recommendation which i should take using the referred setting with a greater value?would setting it to zero make maridb decide which is there best value? Would the indexes get too much fragmented ? Thanks!
No, you cannot set it to zero. Also, current implementation does not support an arbitrary number of myisam repair threads. Either you have it set to 1 (meaning, one thread will repair all indexes, one after another), or you set it to anything larger than 1 (that will always run one thread per index). See https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/myisam-system-variables/#myisam_repair_thr... Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and security@mariadb.org
participants (2)
Alexandre hadjinlian guerra
Sergei Golubchik