[Maria-developers] Proposed changes to GTID syntax

I am planning some changes to the user interface of Global Transaction ID. Testing by Elena has shown usability issues that I want to address with these changes, but I wanted to give everyone a change to voice their opinion on the changes. The problem: The issue concerns when a slave server initially connects to the master using GTID. The slave needs to send to the master the GTID position it wants to start replicating from (the GTID of the last transaction executed within each replication domain). If the connecting server was already a slave to another master before, then the position is the last replicated event(s), stored in table mysql.rpl_slave_state. But if we server is the prior master that is now to become a slave, we need to connect at the position of the last event(s) logged by the prior master in the binlog. The problem occurs when users do manual updates on the slave and those updates get into the binlog of the slave. Of course, in principle one should not do that, as it creates differences between the master and the slave. But it is a very common thing to do among users no doubt. Maybe they need to fix some replication problem, maybe add an account only on the slave, whatever, and they forget to set @@sql_log_bin=0 while doing the change, so it gets into the slave binlog. With current code, if the slave connects to a new master right after doing the manual changes to the binlog on the slave, it will connect at the GTID position of those changes, not at the last replicated transaction. Because doing changes directly on the slave server in effect makes that server temporarily a "master". And besides, this is user error anyway, creating divergence betheen the binlogs on slave and master server. But I agree with Elena that this will be a nasty surprise to many users trying out GTID for the first time. It is inconsistent with old-style replication, where direct updates on the slave never change the slave replication position. And many users will not read the complete documentation on GTID before trying to use it, and will not understand the issues with manual changes on a slave in effect turning it into a master temporarily. Note that this affects usability when users abuse the replication, using it against the recommended way, not taking care to keep master and slaves in sync. For disciplined usage, eg. running with the "strict GTID" mode that we plan to implement, these kind of problems will never occur in the first place. But I want to do as much as possible to also make things work well for "undisciplined" users. The proposed solution: There will be two ways to configure a slave to use GTID. One will be for "disciplined" usage, same as the current code, where slave connects with whatever is most recent in mysql.rpl_slave_state or binlog. The other will be for "sloppy" usage, where the user will need to explicitly state whether to use the position from the last replicated transaction, or to use what is in the binlog. I hope this will solve the problem. Since new users need to learn new syntax to enable GTID anyway (CHANGE MASTER ... master_use_gtid=...), they will at least have made a conscious choice about whether to use one syntax or the other. And for "disciplined" users there is not really any change, they will just use the syntax for the current behaviour. I also think this improves things on the conceptual level. Currently, there is too much magic about the value of the variable @@GLOBAL.gtid_pos. You can set this manually (and that updates mysql.rpl_slave_state), but it also changes value whenever something is added to the binlog, and you cannot manually set it to something that conflicts with the binlog. This magic all becomes unnecessary with the proposed changes. So there will be some changes to the syntax for CHANGE MASTER, and some stuff will be renamed to make things clearer. Details: CHANGE MASTER syntax will be modified to this: 1. CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid = current_gtid_pos This is the "disciplined" mode, the same as master_use_gtid=1 in current code. It will use as replication start position whatever is most recent, last replicated GTID or last binlogged GTID. 2. CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid = slave_gtid_pos This is "sloppy" mode, for pointing an existing slave to a new master. It will only look at the last replicated GTID for the start position, not at any transactions logged directly to the slave binlog. 3. CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid = off For completeness, to turn of using GTID to connect, go back to using old-style replication. There will be three new system variables introduced, replacing the current @@GLOBAL.gtid_pos: 1. @@GLOBAL.slave_gtid_pos. Read-write. This is the set of last replicated GTID, per replication domain. 2. @@GLOBAL.binlog_gtid_pos. Read only. This is the set of last binlogged GTID, per domain. 3. @@GLOBAL.current_gtid_pos. Read only. This is a combination of @@GLOBAL.slave_gtid_pos and @@GLOBAL.binlog_gtid_pos, per-domain it holds the most recent GTID either replicated or binlogged. The current mysql.rpl_slave_state table will be renamed to mysql.slave_gtid_pos. Note how the naming is now more consistent. slave_gtid_pos means the most recently replicated GTIDs, both for table, variable, and CHANGE MASTER syntax. Similarly, current_gtid_pos is used for both the variable and CHANGE MASTER to mean the most recent GTID either replicated or binlogged. The user can see the GTID position the slave will start replicating at by inspecting the value of the corresponding variable. When using master_use_gtid=slave_gtid_pos, the following statement can be used on a server that used to be the master but should now become a slave: SET GLOBAL slave_gtid_pos = @@binlog_gtid_pos; This will load whatever was logged to the binlog into the slave position. When using master_use_gtid=current_gtid_position, there is no need to do anything special, the binlog will have the most recent GTID on a prior master so it will be used automatically. I think these changes will be a good improvement, justifying doing the change this late during 10.0 release state. But I very much welcome input and suggestions for doing things differently. - Kristian.

Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org> writes:
I am planning some changes to the user interface of Global Transaction ID.
Some small simplication/improvement to naming after feedback from Elena: CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid = SLAVE_POS CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid = CURRENT_POS CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid = NO @@GLOBAL.gtid_slave_pos @@GLOBAL.gtid_binlog_pos @@GLOBAL.gtid_current_pos mysql.gtid_slave_pos I think those are a bit better. - Kristian.

Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org> writes:
I am planning some changes to the user interface of Global Transaction ID. Testing by Elena has shown usability issues that I want to address with these changes, but I wanted to give everyone a change to voice their opinion on the changes.
I have now implemented the changes. The code is pushed to lp:~maria-captains/maria/10.0-base (will be later merged to 10.0 and will appear in the next 10.0.3 release). The docs in the Knowledgebase are updated. - Kristian.
participants (1)
Kristian Nielsen