[Maria-developers] MariaDB 10.3.7 and GSSAPI : Issue

Hi, We are porting MariaDB (10.3.7 now) on AIX. On some machines we have the following error message when running: + cmake . --trace --debug-trycompile --check-system-vars -GUnix Makefiles -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release -DFEATURE_SET=community -DINSTALL_LAYOUT=RPM -DLOG_LOCATION=/opt/freeware/mariadb/mariadb.log -DPID_FILE_DIR=%{_rundir}/mariadb -DNICE_PROJECT_NAME=MariaDB -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/freeware -DCMAKE_AR=/usr/bin/ar -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=AIX -DINSTALL_SYSCONFDIR=/opt/freeware/etc -DINSTALL_SYSCONF2DIR=/opt/freeware/etc/my.cnf.d -DINSTALL_INCLUDEDIR=include/mysql -DINSTALL_INFODIR=share/info -DINSTALL_LIBDIR=/opt/freeware/lib64 -DINSTALL_MANDIR=share/man -DINSTALL_MYSQLSHAREDIR=share/mariadb -DINSTALL_PLUGINDIR=/opt/freeware/lib64/mariadb/plugin -DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=share/mysql-test -DINSTALL_SBINDIR=libexec -DINSTALL_SCRIPTDIR=bin -DINSTALL_SQLBENCHDIR=share -DINSTALL_SUPPORTFILESDIR=share/mariadb -DMYSQL_DATADIR=/opt/freeware/var/lib/mysql -DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR=/var/lib64/mysql/mysql.sock -DTMPDIR=/var/tmp -DENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE=ON -DSECURITY_HARDENED=ON -DENABLE_DTRACE=ON -DWITH_EMBEDDED_SERVER=ON -DWITH_MARIABACKUP=ON -DWITH_UNIT_TESTS=ON -DCONC_WITH_SSL=ON -DWITH_SSL=system -DWITH_ZLIB=system -DWITH_JEMALLOC=no -DPLUGIN_MROONGA=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_OQGRAPH=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_CRACKLIB_PASSWORD_CHECK=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_ROCKSDB=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_SPHINX=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_TOKUDB=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_CONNECT=DYNAMIC -DCONNECT_WITH_MONGO=OFF -DCONNECT_WITH_JDBC=OFF -DCMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING=FALSE -DWITH_VALGRIND=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DWITH_ASAN=OFF -DWITH_INNODB_EXTRA_DEBUG=ON ...... /opt/freeware/share/cmake/Modules/CheckSymbolExists.cmake(87): try_compile(HAVE_KRB5_FREE_UNPARSED_NAME ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckSymbolExists.cxx COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS} ${CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS_LIBS} CMAKE_FLAGS -DCOMPILE_DEFINITIONS:STRING=${MACRO_CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_SYMBOL_EXISTS_INCLUDES} OUTPUT_VARIABLE OUTPUT ) CMake Error at /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CMakeLists.txt:14 (add_executable): Target "cmTC_3efe0" links to target "-L/opt/freeware/lib -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib::/usr/lib:/lib -I/usr/include -I/opt/freeware/include -L/opt/freeware/lib -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib:/usr/lib:/lib -bmaxdata:0x80000000 -brtl -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lpthreads" but the target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing? CMake Error at /opt/freeware/share/cmake/Modules/CheckSymbolExists.cmake:87 (try_compile): Failed to generate test project build system. Call Stack (most recent call first): /opt/freeware/share/cmake/Modules/CheckCXXSymbolExists.cmake:39 (__CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS_IMPL) plugin/auth_gssapi/CMakeLists.txt:24 (CHECK_CXX_SYMBOL_EXISTS) In file: mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CMakeLists.txt , there is: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/cmake;/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/plugin/auth_gssapi/cmake") project(CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE CXX) set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE 1) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS " -pie -fPIC -fPIC -fno-rtti") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${COMPILE_DEFINITIONS}") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}") include_directories(${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}) set(CMAKE_SUPPRESS_REGENERATION 1) link_directories(${LINK_DIRECTORIES}) add_definitions(-DPACKAGE=test -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGE_FILES -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS) cmake_policy(SET CMP0065 OLD) set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp") add_executable(cmTC_3efe0 "/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckSymbolExists.cxx") target_link_libraries(cmTC_3efe0 "-L/opt/freeware/lib -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib::/usr/lib:/lib -I/usr/include -I/opt/freeware/include -L/opt/freeware/lib -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib:/usr/lib:/lib -bmaxdata:0x80000000 -brtl -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lpthreads" ) Talking with CMake guys, they said:
I suspect mariadb's source is setting CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES to a space-separated value instead of a ;-separated value.
Do you have an idea about what is broken and what should be changed? either on AIX or for all target? Thanks/Regards, Cordialement, Tony Reix ATOS / Bull SAS ATOS Expert IBM Coop Architect & Technical Leader Office : +33 (0) 4 76 29 72 67 1 rue de Provence - 38432 Échirolles - France www.atos.net<https://mail.ad.bull.net/owa/redir.aspx?C=PvphmPvCZkGrAgHVnWGsdMcDKgzl_dEIsM6rX0g4u4v8V81YffzBGkWrtQeAXNovd3ttkJL8JIc.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.atos.net%2f>

Hi Tony, First off, MariaDB has a bug tracker, under https://jira.mariadb.org/ . I can reassure you that the bugs reported there are read attentively, and that you can attach full output there, and that people who are not interested in AIX won’t get spammed. Would it be possible to state the actual problem that you ran into? I doubt that you wanted to run cmake . –trace –debug-trycompile and have 0 errors in system checks. Thus, I’m going to assume that auth_gssapi.so or auth_gssapi_client.so did not compile for you , and, with the help of CMake folks, you went on to debug that, and then CMake folks pointed to FindGSSAPI.cmake. Is this accurate description of what happened? I should describe how FindGSSAPI.cmake came into existence. FindGSSAPI.cmake is exact copy from KDE project https://github.com/KDE/kio/blob/master/cmake/FindGSSAPI.cmake (CMAke itself lacks FIND_PACKAGE(GSSAPI), so I googled around if someone already has it, and KDE had) . And it happens to work, for KDE, and least sometimes, for us, on non-AIX platforms. Take a look at the output of buildbot run on Debian artful for example https://buildbot.askmonty.org/buildbot/builders/kvm-deb-artful-amd64/builds/... . You’ll see krb5_free_unparsed_name is found, and gssapi plugin(s) are built alright. However, CMake folks could have a point, that target_link_libraries should be CMake list, not space separated string. Maybe you can try to add separate_arguments(GSSAPI_LIBS) on the line 57 of FindGSSAPI.cmake, and see if that works better for you. Wlad From: REIX, Tony Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 11:14 AM To: maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net Cc: APEKE, SENA (ext) Subject: [Maria-developers] MariaDB 10.3.7 and GSSAPI : Issue Hi, We are porting MariaDB (10.3.7 now) on AIX. On some machines we have the following error message when running: + cmake . --trace --debug-trycompile --check-system-vars -GUnix Makefiles -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release -DFEATURE_SET=community -DINSTALL_LAYOUT=RPM -DLOG_LOCATION=/opt/freeware/mariadb/mariadb.log -DPID_FILE_DIR=%{_rundir}/mariadb -DNICE_PROJECT_NAME=MariaDB -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/freeware -DCMAKE_AR=/usr/bin/ar -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=AIX -DINSTALL_SYSCONFDIR=/opt/freeware/etc -DINSTALL_SYSCONF2DIR=/opt/freeware/etc/my.cnf.d -DINSTALL_INCLUDEDIR=include/mysql -DINSTALL_INFODIR=share/info -DINSTALL_LIBDIR=/opt/freeware/lib64 -DINSTALL_MANDIR=share/man -DINSTALL_MYSQLSHAREDIR=share/mariadb -DINSTALL_PLUGINDIR=/opt/freeware/lib64/mariadb/plugin -DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=share/mysql-test -DINSTALL_SBINDIR=libexec -DINSTALL_SCRIPTDIR=bin -DINSTALL_SQLBENCHDIR=share -DINSTALL_SUPPORTFILESDIR=share/mariadb -DMYSQL_DATADIR=/opt/freeware/var/lib/mysql -DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR=/var/lib64/mysql/mysql.sock -DTMPDIR=/var/tmp -DENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE=ON -DSECURITY_HARDENED=ON -DENABLE_DTRACE=ON -DWITH_EMBEDDED_SERVER=ON -DWITH_MARIABACKUP=ON -DWITH_UNIT_TESTS=ON -DCONC_WITH_SSL=ON -DWITH_SSL=system -DWITH_ZLIB=system -DWITH_JEMALLOC=no -DPLUGIN_MROONGA=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_OQGRAPH=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_CRACKLIB_PASSWORD_CHECK=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_ROCKSDB=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_SPHINX=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_TOKUDB=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_CONNECT=DYNAMIC -DCONNECT_WITH_MONGO=OFF -DCONNECT_WITH_JDBC=OFF -DCMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING=FALSE -DWITH_VALGRIND=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DWITH_ASAN=OFF -DWITH_INNODB_EXTRA_DEBUG=ON ...... /opt/freeware/share/cmake/Modules/CheckSymbolExists.cmake(87): try_compile(HAVE_KRB5_FREE_UNPARSED_NAME ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckSymbolExists.cxx COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS} ${CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS_LIBS} CMAKE_FLAGS -DCOMPILE_DEFINITIONS:STRING=${MACRO_CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_SYMBOL_EXISTS_INCLUDES} OUTPUT_VARIABLE OUTPUT ) CMake Error at /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CMakeLists.txt:14 (add_executable): Target "cmTC_3efe0" links to target "-L/opt/freeware/lib -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib::/usr/lib:/lib -I/usr/include -I/opt/freeware/include -L/opt/freeware/lib -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib:/usr/lib:/lib -bmaxdata:0x80000000 -brtl -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lpthreads" but the target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing? CMake Error at /opt/freeware/share/cmake/Modules/CheckSymbolExists.cmake:87 (try_compile): Failed to generate test project build system. Call Stack (most recent call first): /opt/freeware/share/cmake/Modules/CheckCXXSymbolExists.cmake:39 (__CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS_IMPL) plugin/auth_gssapi/CMakeLists.txt:24 (CHECK_CXX_SYMBOL_EXISTS) In file: mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CMakeLists.txt , there is: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/cmake;/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/plugin/auth_gssapi/cmake") project(CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE CXX) set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE 1) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS " -pie -fPIC -fPIC -fno-rtti") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${COMPILE_DEFINITIONS}") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}") include_directories(${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}) set(CMAKE_SUPPRESS_REGENERATION 1) link_directories(${LINK_DIRECTORIES}) add_definitions(-DPACKAGE=test -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGE_FILES -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS) cmake_policy(SET CMP0065 OLD) set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp") add_executable(cmTC_3efe0 "/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckSymbolExists.cxx") target_link_libraries(cmTC_3efe0 "-L/opt/freeware/lib -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib::/usr/lib:/lib -I/usr/include -I/opt/freeware/include -L/opt/freeware/lib -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib:/usr/lib:/lib -bmaxdata:0x80000000 -brtl -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lpthreads" ) Talking with CMake guys, they said:
I suspect mariadb's source is setting CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES to a space-separated value instead of a ;-separated value.
That's broken here: https://github.com/MariaDB/server/blob/ed0b84a0270bd99b001dd00654875d26e29b9... Do you have an idea about what is broken and what should be changed? either on AIX or for all target?
Thanks/Regards, Cordialement, Tony Reix ATOS / Bull SAS ATOS Expert IBM Coop Architect & Technical Leader Office : +33 (0) 4 76 29 72 67 1 rue de Provence - 38432 Échirolles - France www.atos.net

Hi Wlad, We are beginners with MariaDB. And we do not master yet CMake, mainly when errors appear. So, since I was unsure about our issue, I did not want to bother with a possibly wrong error. So, talking on this mailing list seemed appropriate to me as a first step. We'll use the MariaDB bug tracker next time, sure. About the cmake options we used, yes we tried to use several talkative options in order to get detailed traces. Moreover, this issue appears on some machines and not on one machine, and on Linux the code does not run in these lines ; so we were lost about the root cause. About gssapi, we are using a .spec file derived from Fedora .spec file for MariaDB ; and probably that there is a way to NOT build with gssapi first, but we missed it at first glance. Looking at the .spec file now, I think that we can try to disable it by means of: %define with_gssapi 0 ; however I still cannot see how the "cmake ..." command can know to NOT look for GSSAPI ; it is still a mystery for me. So, yes, we asked for help from the CMake guys and they pointed us to this possibly faulty line. Séna will experiment with: separate_arguments(GSSAPI_LIBS) asap. Meanwhile, is there a way to say to cmake ... to NOT look at GSSAPI and thus to not run FindGSSAPI.cmake ? So that we can build and test MariaDB entirely without GSSAPI and come back to this issue later. Thanks for your help! Cordialement, Tony Reix ATOS / Bull SAS ATOS Expert IBM Coop Architect & Technical Leader Office : +33 (0) 4 76 29 72 67 1 rue de Provence - 38432 Échirolles - France www.atos.net<https://mail.ad.bull.net/owa/redir.aspx?C=PvphmPvCZkGrAgHVnWGsdMcDKgzl_dEIsM6rX0g4u4v8V81YffzBGkWrtQeAXNovd3ttkJL8JIc.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.atos.net%2f> ________________________________ De : Vladislav Vaintroub <vvaintroub@gmail.com> Envoyé : mardi 26 juin 2018 10:09:41 À : REIX, Tony; maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net Cc : APEKE, SENA (ext) Objet : RE: [Maria-developers] MariaDB 10.3.7 and GSSAPI : Issue Hi Tony, First off, MariaDB has a bug tracker, under https://jira.mariadb.org/ . I can reassure you that the bugs reported there are read attentively, and that you can attach full output there, and that people who are not interested in AIX won’t get spammed. Would it be possible to state the actual problem that you ran into? I doubt that you wanted to run cmake . –trace –debug-trycompile and have 0 errors in system checks. Thus, I’m going to assume that auth_gssapi.so or auth_gssapi_client.so did not compile for you , and, with the help of CMake folks, you went on to debug that, and then CMake folks pointed to FindGSSAPI.cmake. Is this accurate description of what happened? I should describe how FindGSSAPI.cmake came into existence. FindGSSAPI.cmake is exact copy from KDE project https://github.com/KDE/kio/blob/master/cmake/FindGSSAPI.cmake (CMAke itself lacks FIND_PACKAGE(GSSAPI), so I googled around if someone already has it, and KDE had) . And it happens to work, for KDE, and least sometimes, for us, on non-AIX platforms. Take a look at the output of buildbot run on Debian artful for example https://buildbot.askmonty.org/buildbot/builders/kvm-deb-artful-amd64/builds/... . You’ll see krb5_free_unparsed_name is found, and gssapi plugin(s) are built alright. However, CMake folks could have a point, that target_link_libraries should be CMake list, not space separated string. Maybe you can try to add separate_arguments(GSSAPI_LIBS) on the line 57 of FindGSSAPI.cmake, and see if that works better for you. Wlad From: REIX, Tony<mailto:tony.reix@atos.net> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 11:14 AM To: maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net<mailto:maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net> Cc: APEKE, SENA (ext)<mailto:sena.apeke.external@atos.net> Subject: [Maria-developers] MariaDB 10.3.7 and GSSAPI : Issue Hi, We are porting MariaDB (10.3.7 now) on AIX. On some machines we have the following error message when running: + cmake . --trace --debug-trycompile --check-system-vars -GUnix Makefiles -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release -DFEATURE_SET=community -DINSTALL_LAYOUT=RPM -DLOG_LOCATION=/opt/freeware/mariadb/mariadb.log -DPID_FILE_DIR=%{_rundir}/mariadb -DNICE_PROJECT_NAME=MariaDB -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/freeware -DCMAKE_AR=/usr/bin/ar -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=AIX -DINSTALL_SYSCONFDIR=/opt/freeware/etc -DINSTALL_SYSCONF2DIR=/opt/freeware/etc/my.cnf.d -DINSTALL_INCLUDEDIR=include/mysql -DINSTALL_INFODIR=share/info -DINSTALL_LIBDIR=/opt/freeware/lib64 -DINSTALL_MANDIR=share/man -DINSTALL_MYSQLSHAREDIR=share/mariadb -DINSTALL_PLUGINDIR=/opt/freeware/lib64/mariadb/plugin -DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=share/mysql-test -DINSTALL_SBINDIR=libexec -DINSTALL_SCRIPTDIR=bin -DINSTALL_SQLBENCHDIR=share -DINSTALL_SUPPORTFILESDIR=share/mariadb -DMYSQL_DATADIR=/opt/freeware/var/lib/mysql -DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR=/var/lib64/mysql/mysql.sock -DTMPDIR=/var/tmp -DENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE=ON -DSECURITY_HARDENED=ON -DENABLE_DTRACE=ON -DWITH_EMBEDDED_SERVER=ON -DWITH_MARIABACKUP=ON -DWITH_UNIT_TESTS=ON -DCONC_WITH_SSL=ON -DWITH_SSL=system -DWITH_ZLIB=system -DWITH_JEMALLOC=no -DPLUGIN_MROONGA=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_OQGRAPH=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_CRACKLIB_PASSWORD_CHECK=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_ROCKSDB=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_SPHINX=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_TOKUDB=DYNAMIC -DPLUGIN_CONNECT=DYNAMIC -DCONNECT_WITH_MONGO=OFF -DCONNECT_WITH_JDBC=OFF -DCMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING=FALSE -DWITH_VALGRIND=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DWITH_ASAN=OFF -DWITH_INNODB_EXTRA_DEBUG=ON ...... /opt/freeware/share/cmake/Modules/CheckSymbolExists.cmake(87): try_compile(HAVE_KRB5_FREE_UNPARSED_NAME ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckSymbolExists.cxx COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS} ${CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS_LIBS} CMAKE_FLAGS -DCOMPILE_DEFINITIONS:STRING=${MACRO_CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_SYMBOL_EXISTS_INCLUDES} OUTPUT_VARIABLE OUTPUT ) CMake Error at /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CMakeLists.txt:14 (add_executable): Target "cmTC_3efe0" links to target "-L/opt/freeware/lib -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib::/usr/lib:/lib -I/usr/include -I/opt/freeware/include -L/opt/freeware/lib -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib:/usr/lib:/lib -bmaxdata:0x80000000 -brtl -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lpthreads" but the target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing? CMake Error at /opt/freeware/share/cmake/Modules/CheckSymbolExists.cmake:87 (try_compile): Failed to generate test project build system. Call Stack (most recent call first): /opt/freeware/share/cmake/Modules/CheckCXXSymbolExists.cmake:39 (__CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS_IMPL) plugin/auth_gssapi/CMakeLists.txt:24 (CHECK_CXX_SYMBOL_EXISTS) In file: mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CMakeLists.txt , there is: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/cmake;/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/plugin/auth_gssapi/cmake") project(CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE CXX) set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE 1) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS " -pie -fPIC -fPIC -fno-rtti") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${COMPILE_DEFINITIONS}") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}") include_directories(${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}) set(CMAKE_SUPPRESS_REGENERATION 1) link_directories(${LINK_DIRECTORIES}) add_definitions(-DPACKAGE=test -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGE_FILES -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS) cmake_policy(SET CMP0065 OLD) set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp") add_executable(cmTC_3efe0 "/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/mariadb-10.3.7/64bit/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckSymbolExists.cxx") target_link_libraries(cmTC_3efe0 "-L/opt/freeware/lib -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib::/usr/lib:/lib -I/usr/include -I/opt/freeware/include -L/opt/freeware/lib -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib:/usr/lib:/lib -bmaxdata:0x80000000 -brtl -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lpthreads" ) Talking with CMake guys, they said:
I suspect mariadb's source is setting CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES to a space-separated value instead of a ;-separated value.
That's broken here: https://github.com/MariaDB/server/blob/ed0b84a0270bd99b001dd00654875d26e29b9...
Do you have an idea about what is broken and what should be changed? either on AIX or for all target? Thanks/Regards, Cordialement, Tony Reix ATOS / Bull SAS ATOS Expert IBM Coop Architect & Technical Leader Office : +33 (0) 4 76 29 72 67 1 rue de Provence - 38432 Échirolles - France www.atos.net<https://mail.ad.bull.net/owa/redir.aspx?C=PvphmPvCZkGrAgHVnWGsdMcDKgzl_dEIsM6rX0g4u4v8V81YffzBGkWrtQeAXNovd3ttkJL8JIc.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.atos.net%2f>

On 26.06.2018 12:00, REIX, Tony wrote:
Hi Wlad,
We are beginners with MariaDB. And we do not master yet CMake, mainly when errors appear. So, since I was unsure about our issue, I did not want to bother with a possibly wrong error. So, talking on this mailing list seemed appropriate to me as a first step. We'll use the MariaDB bug tracker next time, sure.
About the cmake options we used, yes we tried to use several talkative options in order to get detailed traces. Moreover, this issue appears on some machines and not on one machine, and on Linux the code does not run in these lines ; so we were lost about the root cause.
On Linux, the current FindGSSAPI.cmake appears to work, or we would have found and fixed it long ago. The root cause is probably in unusual output of krb5_config on "some machines", that is not processed correctly by cmake -blibpath:/opt/freeware/lib:/usr/lib:/lib -bmaxdata:0x80000000 -brtl . Those are probably those "some" AIX machines, where kerberos is installed.
About gssapi, we are using a .spec file derived from Fedora .spec file for MariaDB ; and probably that there is a way to NOT build with gssapi first, but we missed it at first glance. Looking at the .spec file now, I think that we can try to disable it by means of: %define with_gssapi 0 ; however I still cannot see how the "cmake ..." command can know to NOT look for GSSAPI ; it is still a mystery for me.
our cmake has a (almost)consistent way of dealing with plugins . All server plugins can be switched off with -DPLUGIN_<NAME>=NO . So to switch off the server side plugin, you can use -DPLUGIN_AUTH_GSSAPI=NO Slightly confusingly, a client half of the plugin is built in another repository, client repository, and it has slightly different switch-off rules, thus you also need -DCLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_GSSAPI_CLIENT=OFF
So, yes, we asked for help from the CMake guys and they pointed us to this possibly faulty line.
Séna will experiment with:
Sena says, it did not work. With that, you can go back again CMake guys again, because their analysis does not seem to be correct.
Meanwhile, is there a way to say to cmake ... to NOT look at GSSAPI and thus to not run FindGSSAPI.cmake ?
So that we can build and test MariaDB entirely without GSSAPI and come back to this issue later.
Thanks for your help!
A thought - for cmake beginners, I think it is the best for you to use cmake like this cmake . && make (not like fedora does it in .spec, with hundreds of parameters) . CMake is supposed to be that easy as above, and this short line is supposed to be standard way of using cmake
Tony Reix
ATOS / Bull SAS ATOS Expert IBM Coop Architect & Technical Leader Office : +33 (0) 4 76 29 72 67 1 rue de Provence - 38432 Échirolles - France www.atos.net <https://mail.ad.bull.net/owa/redir.aspx?C=PvphmPvCZkGrAgHVnWGsdMcDKgzl_dEIsM6rX0g4u4v8V81YffzBGkWrtQeAXNovd3ttkJL8JIc.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.atos.net%2f> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *De :* Vladislav Vaintroub <vvaintroub@gmail.com> *Envoyé :* mardi 26 juin 2018 10:09:41 *À :* REIX, Tony; maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net *Cc :* APEKE, SENA (ext) *Objet :* RE: [Maria-developers] MariaDB 10.3.7 and GSSAPI : Issue
participants (2)
REIX, Tony
Vladislav Vaintroub