[Maria-developers] forwarded message from Kristian Köhntopp

Hi Monty, all
[Here is booking.com's wish list! ...] - Try out engines for fast inserts: Infobright, InfiniDB, ... -- SkySQL to Booking
PBXT. It's rather good at that work profile (sustained high volume inserts). Plus it's already in MariaDB, and GPL. Seems like a win to me? Cheers, Arjen. -- Arjen Lentz, Exec.Director @ Open Query (http://openquery.com) Remote expertise & maintenance for MySQL/MariaDB server environments. Follow us at http://openquery.com/blog/ & http://twitter.com/openquery

Moinsen, On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 10:08:12AM +1000, Arjen Lentz wrote:
Hi Monty, all
[Here is booking.com's wish list! ...] - Try out engines for fast inserts: Infobright, InfiniDB, ... -- SkySQL to Booking
PBXT. It's rather good at that work profile (sustained high volume inserts). Plus it's already in MariaDB, and GPL. Seems like a win to me?
PBXT++ In fact to my findings. Using an autoincrement as PK InnoDB outperformed PBXT on large (3*10^8 rows) tables. Using i.e. UUID as PK InnoDB doesn't perform at all, while PBXT went fine. In german (sorry): http://linsenraum.de/erkules/2010/12/pbxt-new-kid-on-the-block.html erkan -- �ber den grenzen mu� die freiheit wohl wolkenlos sein
participants (3)
Arjen Lentz
erkan yanar
Michael Widenius