"Alex" == Alex Budovski <abudovski@gmail.com> writes:
Alex> Hello, Alex> Some tests that call mtr.add_suppression to ignore expected warnings Alex> hard-code the forward slash '/' character as the expected path Alex> delimiter. This breaks tests on Windows as the regex does not match as Alex> expected. Alex> E.g. Alex> Recovering table: './mysqltest/t_corrupted2' Alex> fails to match Alex> 100123 23:48:26 [Warning] Recovering table: '.\mysqltest\t_corrupted2' Alex> and hence the test fails spuriously. Alex> Attached is a simple patch that fixes this issue while maintaining Alex> compatibility with other platforms. Alex> Let me know what you think. Looks good; I picked this up from you tree as part of my previous review and it will be part of the push to 5.1 later today. Thanks! Regards, Monty