There is another test failure visible in Buildbot: https://askmonty.org/buildbot/builders/gentoo-x86-dbg/builds/13/steps/test/l... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- main.show_check [ fail ] Test ended at 2009-05-22 11:47:11 CURRENT_TEST: main.show_check --- /home/buildbot/maria-slave/psergey-foxhole-x86/build/mysql-test/r/show_check.result 2009-05-22 09:56:56.000000000 +0300 +++ /home/buildbot/maria-slave/psergey-foxhole-x86/build/mysql-test/r/show_check.reject 2009-05-22 10:47:11.000000000 +0300 @@ -252,13 +252,13 @@ flush tables; show open tables; Database Table In_use Name_locked -mysql general_log 0 0 +mysql general_log 1 0 create table t1(n int); insert into t1 values (1); show open tables; Database Table In_use Name_locked -test t1 0 0 mysql general_log 0 0 +test t1 0 0 drop table t1; create table t1 (a int not null, b VARCHAR(10), INDEX (b) ) AVG_ROW_LENGTH=10 CHECKSUM=1 COMMENT="test" ENGINE=MYISAM MIN_ROWS=10 MAX_ROWS=100 PACK_KEYS=1 DELAY_KEY_WRITE=1 ROW_FORMAT=fixed; show create table t1; mysqltest: Result content mismatch - saving '/home/buildbot/maria-slave/psergey-foxhole-x86/build/mysql-test/var/log/main.show_check/' to '/home/buildbot/maria-slave/psergey-foxhole-x86/build/mysql-test/var/log/main.show_check/' Retrying test, attempt(2/3)... main.show_check [ retry-pass ] 1421 Retrying test, attempt(3/3)... main.show_check [ retry-pass ] 1451 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As can be seen, it is a random failure. Would be really great if someone could take a look and fix this. - Kristian.