patch sent :D please check it at MDEV-4916

2013/8/17 Roberto Spadim <>
I end my "mind work" :P

YES we need that query id increment ONLY at START of query...

We CAN'T kill a FUTURE query, we MUST kill the CURRENT QUERY running, or the CURRENT THREAD
Increment at query end will kill future queries, check :

1) id=0
2) select.... (id=0)
3) (id=1)
4) select ... (id=1)

if i send kill query id =1, at third line, i will kill the thread, if i wait more time i will kill the query running (NOOOO I CAN'T DO THIS), but in this order:

1) id=0
2) select.... (id=1)
3) (id=1)
4) select ... (id=2)

if i send kill query id=1, at third line, i will kill the thread, if i wait more time i WILL NOT kill query and WILL NOT KILL the thread, NICE! THAT'S THE IDEA!

Roberto Spadim