Hello Alexander, I did not search why. There must be a good reason but it is probably at runtime. I just deferred the cursor declaration to the right place. Regards, Jérôme.
-----Message d'origine----- De : Alexander Barkov [mailto:bar@mariadb.org] Envoyé : mercredi 22 février 2017 13:27 À : jerome brauge Cc : maria-developers Objet : Re: MDEV-10598 - bb-10.2-compatibility
Hello Jerome,
Thank you very much for the patch. I'm reviewing it. But most likely won't finish today. I'll be away on Thursday and Friday. Will reply in the beginning of the next week.
Btw, the implementation of stored routines was new for me when I started the compatibility project. Now gradually learning this code. But some parts are still not clear for me. For example, I don't know *why* it was disallowed to have variable declarations after cursor declarations. Did you figure out this?
On 02/21/2017 07:18 PM, jerome brauge wrote:
Hello Alexander, I've done this patch for MDEV-10598. Can you review it ?
Regards, Jérôme.