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I recently updated my build scripts to automatically generate a file listing for each commit in in the Debian packaging "pool" I have.
Here is a recent one: http://labs.seravo.fi/~otto/mariadb-repo/mariadb-10.0-sid-amd64/filelist-ec0...
It is now very easy to review and track what files are in what package.
Is this still the plan? https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/MySQL/WhichPackage
Could somebody please quickly review that file and tell me if you spot: - any files in wrong package and should be moved?
mariadb-client-10.0 has mysqldumpslow and its manpage along with a lot of other execs scheduled for mysql-server-utils Didn't check the rest of the WhichPackage plan since it didn't seem to be done.
- any package that has too few files and maybe something missing?
libmariadbd-dev doesn't seem to contain any .h files or mariadb_config/mysql_config mariadb-test-10.0 lrwxrwxrwx root/root ./usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/mysql-test-run lrwxrwxrwx root/root ./usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/mtr Not sure why these aren't in /usr/bin
- any file attributes that might be wrong or insecure?
Not that I could see.
- should any of the MariaDB plugins deserve to be shipped as a separate package? (apart from current connect and oqgraph)
I'd see a need to split them when extra dependencies creep in to the plugin. -- Daniel Black, Engineer @ Open Query (http://openquery.com.au) Remote expertise & maintenance for MySQL/MariaDB server environments.