Ubuntu 14.04 was released today.
From https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes#Ubuntu_Server
"MySQL Ubuntu 14.04 LTS continues to provide official support for MySQL 5.5. Three other community supported alternatives of MySQL are also included: * MariaDB 5.5 - a drop in replacement for MySQL 5.5. * Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.5 - a Galera based Active/Active MySQL solution. * MySQL 5.6 - the next release of Oracle's MySQL. Note that upgrading to MySQL 5.6 is an automatic one way process; it is possible to downgrade manually - see the upstream documentation on details of how to perform this process." I have been working on 5.5.37 today, I hope to soon get it uploaded into Debian and then via security update process into Ubuntu too. -- Check out our blog at http://seravo.fi/blog and follow @ottokekalainen