Alex Budovski <abudovski@gmail.com> writes:
On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 8:52 PM, Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org> wrote:
Alex Budovski <abudovski@gmail.com> writes:
Some tests that call mtr.add_suppression to ignore expected warnings hard-code the forward slash '/' character as the expected path delimiter. This breaks tests on Windows as the regex does not match as expected.
Recovering table: './mysqltest/t_corrupted2'
fails to match
100123 23:48:26 [Warning] Recovering table: '.\mysqltest\t_corrupted2'
and hence the test fails spuriously.
Attached is a simple patch that fixes this issue while maintaining compatibility with other platforms.
Let me know what you think.
Good catch, thanks!
I will incorporate this together with the binlog test fixes when I solve the problem with test failures.
Which are you referring to, out of curiousity? (Link?)
I pushed this into revision 2793 of branch mariadb-5.1-knielsen: https://askmonty.org/buildbot/grid?branch=mariadb-5.1-knielsen&length=1 As can be seen, there are many test failures in that revision. Here is a database report of them all: http://askmonty.org/buildbot/reports/cross_reference#branch=mariadb-5.1-knielsen&revision=2793&platform=&dt=&bbnum=&typ=&info=&fail_name=&fail_variant=&fail_info_short=&fail_info_full=&limit=100 - Krsitian.