Hi Wlad, I got some progress with Buildbot and producing binary tarball packages for MariaDB 5.5, using your suggestions. But I encountered a problem. I used -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql-release and installed libaio-dev. But then the server fails like this: ./bin/mysqld: error while loading shared libraries: libaio.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Of course - as libaio.so must be installed by users. I do not think it is appropriate that users need to install libaio.so to use the binary tarballs (as those are supposed to work anywhere - on the other hand, for .deb for example we _should_ use libaio of course, and dependencies will take care that it is installed). So what to do? For now I've tried to build without libaio for the generic tarballs (-DIGNORE_AIO_CHECK=1). So binaries will work; to get aio, users can build themselves or install real packages. Or do you have another idea? Do you know what MySQL does? One option could be statically linking libaio. Now in general, static linking is a can of worms with many pitfalls, however for just libaio it might work (libaio.so is statically linked on my Debian Wheezy). However, I am not sure if this is safe in general, nor do I know how to make cmake link just libaio statically? Any ideas? - Kristian.