-----Original Message----- From: Sergey Petrunya [mailto:psergey@askmonty.org] Sent: Dienstag, 28. Juni 2011 08:17 To: Vladislav Vaintroub Cc: maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net Subject: Re: [Maria-developers] Proposal to split @@optimizer_switch
On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 01:20:07AM +0200, Vladislav Vaintroub wrote:
Ok. What syntax should be used to set all optimizer (or optimizer.join_cache) settings to their defaults?
set optimizer_*=default set optimiizer_joincache_*=default
Lots of programming languages use xxx.yyy notation to denote access to member yyy of some composite entity xxx, so when one writes
it hints that 'optimizer' is an entity that you could operate on as a whole. If we use
than personally for me it is not clear that 'optimizer' is an entity I could operate on.
Well, plugins variables use the underscore notation now, and plugins are entities. I do not find the dot notation bad, it just does not look consistent with the rest of variables. Wlad