Hello, Sorry for disturbing again. On your security page https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/security/ are the following CVE's missing: CVE-2015-4910 CVE-2015-4905 CVE-2015-4904 CVE-2015-4895 CVE-2015-4862 CVE-2015-4833 CVE-2015-4800 CVE-2015-4791 CVE-2015-4766 I am not sure if mariadb is affected by them or not. Would be awesome if you could add them at the right section :-) Thats definitly all now. best regards -------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Rebischke Member of Archlinux CVE-Monitoring Team Website : www.nullday.de Twitter : @sh1bumi Jabber : shibumi@jabber.ccc.de PGP : 0xDFE2060D Fingerprint: 6DAF 7B80 8F9D F251 3962 0000 D214 61E3 DFE2 060D --------------------------------------------------------------