Hi, PyMySQL doesn't support MariaDB's protocol extension for bulk operations, this is afaik only supported by MariaDB Connector/Python when using cursors executemany() method. If you have only INSERT statements PyMySQL will transform executemany to multi value statement which also reduces roundtrips: cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (%s)", [("foo",),("bar,),("john",),("doe",)]) will be sent as INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ("foo"),("bar"),("john"),("doe") This approach is a little bit slower than using the binary protocol implementation but it is limited to SELECT statements and doesn't work with UPDATE, REPLACE or DELETE. /Georg On Sun, Jan 26, 2025 at 2:33 PM E.S. Rosenberg via developers < developers@lists.mariadb.org> wrote:
Hey Sergei et al., I have been trying to find information on how to do pipelining, I guess I am not looking in the right place or using the right terms, the thing closest to it that I found was compressed packets that can contain multiple packets. Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks! Eli
Op do 23 jan 2025 om 20:42 schreef E.S. Rosenberg < es.rosenberg+lists.mariadb.org@gmail.com>:
Sergei thanks for the information!
You also immediately hit the nail on the head as to the issue of the extra round trip, I will have a look at pipelining prepared statements, specifically in PyMySQL.
Thanks, Eli
Op do 23 jan 2025 om 19:08 schreef Sergei Golubchik <serg@mariadb.org>:
Hi, Eli,
It's incompatibility.
MariaDB only supports parameters in COM_STMT_PREPARE/COM_STMT_EXECUTE. You can pipeline them and avoid an extra round-trip, but it still be binary protocol, not text.
On Jan 23, E.S. Rosenberg via developers wrote:
Hi, Recently I found out about parameterized queries in MySQL, it seems to have been supported at least since 8.0.x but it is not listed as an incompatibility between mariadb and mysql yet the package spec for COM_QUERY on mariadb does not mention any support for parameterized queries.
So is this an incompatibility, some out of date docs or am I just looking at the wrong com_query page?
Thanks! Eli
Regards, Sergei Chief Architect, MariaDB Server and security@mariadb.org
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-- Georg Richter, Staff Software Engineer Client Connectivity MariaDB Corporation Ab