Hi, Sachin! Here's a review of your commits from b69e141a32 to 674eb4c4277. Last time I've reviewed up to b69e141a32, so next time I'll review from 674eb4c4277 and up. Thanks for your work!
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/long_unique.result b/mysql-test/r/long_unique.result new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc6ff12 --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/r/long_unique.result @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +create table z_1(abc blob unique); +insert into z_1 values(112); +insert into z_1 values('5666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666'); +insert into z_1 values('sachin'); +insert into z_1 values('sachin'); +ERROR 23000: Can't write; duplicate key in table 'z_1' +select * from z_1; +abc +112 +5666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 +sachin +select db_row_hash_1 from z_1; +ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'db_row_hash_1' in 'field list' +desc z_1; +Field Type Null Key Default Extra +abc blob YES NULL +select * from information_schema.columns where table_schema='mtr' and table_name='z_1'; +TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME ORDINAL_POSITION COLUMN_DEFAULT IS_NULLABLE DATA_TYPE CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH NUMERIC_PRECISION NUMERIC_SCALE DATETIME_PRECISION CHARACTER_SET_NAME COLLATION_NAME COLUMN_TYPE COLUMN_KEY EXTRA PRIVILEGES COLUMN_COMMENT +create table tst_1(xyz blob unique , x2 blob unique); +insert into tst_1 values(1,22); +insert into tst_1 values(2,22); +ERROR 23000: Can't write; duplicate key in table 'tst_1' +select * from tst_1; +xyz x2 +1 22 +select db_row_hash_1 from tst_1; +ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'db_row_hash_1' in 'field list' +select db_row_hash_2 from tst_1; +ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'db_row_hash_2' in 'field list' +select db_row_hash_1,db_row_hash_2 from tst_1; +ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'db_row_hash_1' in 'field list' +desc tst_1; +Field Type Null Key Default Extra +xyz blob YES NULL +x2 blob YES NULL +select * from information_schema.columns where table_schema='mtr' and table_name='tst_1'; +TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME ORDINAL_POSITION COLUMN_DEFAULT IS_NULLABLE DATA_TYPE CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH NUMERIC_PRECISION NUMERIC_SCALE DATETIME_PRECISION CHARACTER_SET_NAME COLLATION_NAME COLUMN_TYPE COLUMN_KEY EXTRA PRIVILEGES COLUMN_COMMENT +create table t1 (empnum smallint, grp int); +create table t2 (empnum int, name char(5)); +insert into t1 values(1,1); +insert into t2 values(1,'bob'); +create view v1 as select * from t2 inner join t1 using (empnum); +select * from v1; +empnum name grp +1 bob 1
what is this test for? (with t1, t2, v1)
+create table c_1(abc blob unique, db_row_hash_1 int unique); +desc c_1; +Field Type Null Key Default Extra +abc blob YES NULL +db_row_hash_1 int(11) YES UNI NULL +insert into c_1 values(1,1); +insert into c_1 values(1,2); +ERROR 23000: Can't write; duplicate key in table 'c_1' +create table c_2(abc blob unique,xyz blob unique, db_row_hash_2 +int,db_row_hash_1 int unique); +desc c_2; +Field Type Null Key Default Extra +abc blob YES NULL +xyz blob YES NULL +db_row_hash_2 int(11) YES NULL +db_row_hash_1 int(11) YES UNI NULL +insert into c_2 values(1,1,1,1); +insert into c_2 values(1,23,4,5); +ERROR 23000: Can't write; duplicate key in table 'c_2' +create table u_1(abc int primary key , xyz blob unique); +insert into u_1 values(1,2); +insert into u_1 values(2,3); +update u_1 set xyz=2 where abc=1; +alter table z_1 drop db_row_hash_1; +ERROR 42000: Can't DROP 'db_row_hash_1'; check that column/key exists +alter table c_1 drop db_row_hash_2; +ERROR 42000: Can't DROP 'db_row_hash_2'; check that column/key exists +alter table c_1 drop db_row_hash_1; +alter table z_1 add column db_row_hash_1 int unique; +show create table z_1; +Table Create Table +z_1 CREATE TABLE `z_1` ( + `abc` blob, + `db_row_hash_1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + UNIQUE KEY `db_row_hash_1` (`db_row_hash_1`), + UNIQUE KEY `abc`(`abc`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 +insert into z_1 values('sachin',1); +ERROR 23000: Can't write; duplicate key in table 'z_1' +alter table c_1 add column db_row_hash_2 int; +show create table c_1; +Table Create Table +c_1 CREATE TABLE `c_1` ( + `abc` blob, + `db_row_hash_2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + UNIQUE KEY `abc`(`abc`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 +alter table z_1 change db_row_hash_2 temp int; +ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'db_row_hash_2' in 'z_1' +alter table c_1 change db_row_hash_3 temp int; +ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'db_row_hash_3' in 'c_1' +alter table c_1 change db_row_hash_4 temp int; +ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'db_row_hash_4' in 'c_1' +alter table c_2 change db_row_hash_1 temp int; +create table c_3(abc blob unique, xyz blob); +alter table c_3 add index(db_row_hash_1); +ERROR 42000: Key column 'DB_ROW_HASH_1' doesn't exist in table +create table i_1(x1 int ); +alter table i_1 add column x2 blob unique; +insert into i_1 value(1,1); +insert into i_1 value(2,1); +ERROR 23000: Can't write; duplicate key in table 'i_1' +alter table i_1 drop index x2; +insert into i_1 value(2,1); +create table i_2(abc blob); +insert into i_2 values(1); +alter table i_2 add unique index(abc); +select * from i_2; +abc +1 +insert into i_2 values(22); +insert into i_2 values(22); +ERROR 23000: Can't write; duplicate key in table 'i_2' +alter table i_2 drop key abc; +insert into i_2 values(22); +drop table i_2; +create table i_2(abc blob); +insert into i_2 values(1); +alter table i_2 add constraint unique(abc); +select * from i_2; +abc +1 +insert into i_2 values(22); +insert into i_2 values(22); +ERROR 23000: Can't write; duplicate key in table 'i_2' +alter table i_2 drop key abc; +insert into i_2 values(22); +create table di_1(abc blob , xyz int , index(abc,xyz));
what is this test for?
+show create table di_1; +Table Create Table +di_1 CREATE TABLE `di_1` ( + `abc` blob, + `xyz` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + INDEX `abc_xyz`(`abc`,`xyz`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 +insert into di_1 values(1,1); +insert into di_1 values(1,1); +insert into di_1 values(2,1); +create table di_2 (abc blob); +insert into di_2 values(1); +insert into di_2 values(1); +alter table di_2 add index(abc); +show create table di_2; +Table Create Table +di_2 CREATE TABLE `di_2` ( + `abc` blob, + INDEX `abc`(`abc`) +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 +insert into di_2 values(1); +alter table di_2 drop index abc; +show create table di_2; +Table Create Table +di_2 CREATE TABLE `di_2` ( + `abc` blob +) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1
please add tests for the following: 1. blob with a couple of really long lines. like into t1 values(repeat('x', 500*1024*1024)); into t1 values(repeat('y', 500*1024*1024)); into t1 values(repeat('x', 500*1024*1024)); just don't do select * after that :) 2. TEXT, where collation matters and equal strings aren't always bytewise identical: create t1 (a TEXT CHARSET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german2_ci); insert t1 values ('ae'); insert t1 values ('AE'); insert t1 values ('Ä'); last two inserts must be an error (I suspect. If not sure, you can always test it as, for example, SELECT 'ae' = 'AE' COLLATE latin1_german2_ci; 3. multi-column constraints, like create t1 (a blob, b int, unique (a,b)); create t2 (a blob, b blob, unique (a,b)); create t3 (a varchar(2048), b varchar(2048), unique(a,b)); and also test inserts and errors with this multi-column constraints, not only create table statement.
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/hidden_columns.test b/mysql-test/t/hidden_columns.test new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0fed41 --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/t/hidden_columns.test
where's the hidden_columns.result?
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/hidden_field.test b/mysql-test/t/hidden_field.test new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3806a92 --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/t/hidden_field.test
where's the hidden_field.result? how is it different from hidden_columns.test, why not to put all tests there? I mean the difference between "hidden column" and "hidden field" is really subtle. Either rename one of the test files or, combine them, or, I think, the best way would be to move tests from hidden_columns.test to long_unique.test
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +create table h_1(abc int primary key, xyz int hidden); +create table h_2(a1 int hidden);
This, probably, should not be allowed. I mean, what 'SELECT * FROM h_2' will do? Let's return an error ER_TABLE_MUST_HAVE_COLUMNS in this case.
+--error 1064
try to use error names, not error numbers (see them in include/mysqld_error.h)
+create table h_3(a1 blob,hidden(a1)); +--error 1981 +create table h_4(a1 int primary key hidden ,a2 int unique hidden , a3 blob,a4 +int not null hidden unique); +--error 1981 +create table h_5(abc int not null hidden); +# +create table t1(abc int hidden); +#should automatically add null +insert into t1 values(); +insert into t1 values(); +insert into t1 values(); +insert into t1 values(); +--error 1096 +select * from t1;
see, the error doesn't really fit here. 1096 is ER_NO_TABLES_USED, but the table is used here. Let's just disallow tables with no visible columns.
+select abc from t1; + +create table t2(abc int primary key); +insert into t2 values(); +select * from t2; +--error 1064 +create table sdsdsd(a int , b int, hidden(a,b)); + +create table hid_4(a int,abc int as (a mod 3) virtual hidden); +desc hid_4; +create table ht_5(abc int primary key hidden auto_increment, a int); +desc ht_5; +insert into ht_5 values(1); +insert into ht_5 values(2); +insert into ht_5 values(3); +select * from ht_5; +select abc,a from ht_5;
if you'd have hidden_field.result you'd notice that this test doesn't clean up after itself :)
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/long_unique.test b/mysql-test/t/long_unique.test new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc8bcf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/t/long_unique.test @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +create table z_1(abc blob unique); +insert into z_1 values(112); +insert into z_1 values('5666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666');
better use repeat() function in these cases. makes test cases smaller and more readable.
+insert into z_1 values('sachin'); +--error 1022 +insert into z_1 values('sachin'); +select * from z_1; +--error 1054 +select db_row_hash_1 from z_1; +desc z_1; +select * from information_schema.columns where table_schema='mtr' and table_name='z_1';
did you read results of your tests? wasn't it suspicious that this select returns nothing? it's because the table is in the 'test' schema, not in 'mtr'. Please, fix.
+create table tst_1(xyz blob unique , x2 blob unique); +insert into tst_1 values(1,22); +--error 1022 +insert into tst_1 values(2,22); +select * from tst_1; +--error 1054 +select db_row_hash_1 from tst_1; +--error 1054 +select db_row_hash_2 from tst_1; +--error 1054 +select db_row_hash_1,db_row_hash_2 from tst_1; +desc tst_1; +select * from information_schema.columns where table_schema='mtr' and table_name='tst_1';
+create table t1 (empnum smallint, grp int); +create table t2 (empnum int, name char(5)); +insert into t1 values(1,1); +insert into t2 values(1,'bob'); +create view v1 as select * from t2 inner join t1 using (empnum); +select * from v1;
what was the point of this t1/t2/v1 test?
+#test on create table with column db_row_hash +create table c_1(abc blob unique, db_row_hash_1 int unique); +desc c_1; +insert into c_1 values(1,1); +--error 1022 +insert into c_1 values(1,2); +create table c_2(abc blob unique,xyz blob unique, db_row_hash_2 +int,db_row_hash_1 int unique); +desc c_2; +insert into c_2 values(1,1,1,1); +--error 1022 +insert into c_2 values(1,23,4,5); +#update table +create table u_1(abc int primary key , xyz blob unique); +insert into u_1 values(1,2); +insert into u_1 values(2,3); +update u_1 set xyz=2 where abc=1;
this updates the row to itw old values. test the update to new values. to non-duplicate and to duplicate values.
+#alter table drop column +--error 1091 +alter table z_1 drop db_row_hash_1; +--error 1091 +alter table c_1 drop db_row_hash_2; +alter table c_1 drop db_row_hash_1; +#add column +alter table z_1 add column db_row_hash_1 int unique; +show create table z_1; +#insert should not break +--error 1022 +insert into z_1 values('sachin',1);
+alter table c_1 add column db_row_hash_2 int;
test also adding and removing unique index for blobs. 1. adding when a column has no duplicates 2. adding when a column has duplicates 3. adding when a column has duplicates and IGNORE clause was used
+show create table c_1; +#modify db_row_hash +--error 1054 +alter table z_1 change db_row_hash_2 temp int; +--error 1054 +alter table c_1 change db_row_hash_3 temp int; +--error 1054 +alter table c_1 change db_row_hash_4 temp int; +alter table c_2 change db_row_hash_1 temp int; +# now try to index db_row_hash +create table c_3(abc blob unique, xyz blob); +--error 1072 +alter table c_3 add index(db_row_hash_1); +create table i_1(x1 int ); +alter table i_1 add column x2 blob unique; +insert into i_1 value(1,1); +--error 1022 +insert into i_1 value(2,1); +alter table i_1 drop index x2; +insert into i_1 value(2,1); +create table i_2(abc blob); +insert into i_2 values(1); +alter table i_2 add unique index(abc); +select * from i_2; +insert into i_2 values(22); +--error 1022 +insert into i_2 values(22); +alter table i_2 drop key abc; +insert into i_2 values(22); +drop table i_2; +create table i_2(abc blob); +insert into i_2 values(1); +alter table i_2 add constraint unique(abc); +select * from i_2; +insert into i_2 values(22); +--error 1022 +insert into i_2 values(22); +alter table i_2 drop key abc; +insert into i_2 values(22); +# now some indexes on blob these should allow +# duplicates these will be used in where clause +create table di_1(abc blob , xyz int , index(abc,xyz)); +show create table di_1; +insert into di_1 values(1,1); +insert into di_1 values(1,1); +insert into di_1 values(2,1); +create table di_2 (abc blob); +insert into di_2 values(1); +insert into di_2 values(1); +alter table di_2 add index(abc);
what kind of index is used here? should be a normal index, no hash, no hidden db_row_hash_1 column, just a normal b-tree index.
+show create table di_2; +insert into di_2 values(1); +alter table di_2 drop index abc; +show create table di_2;
you never clean up in these tests. see other - existing - test files, they always drop all created tables and views, so that when the test end all databases look exactly as before the test started.
diff --git a/include/my_base.h b/include/my_base.h index 8b546ed..d5c697b 100644 --- a/include/my_base.h +++ b/include/my_base.h @@ -250,6 +250,8 @@ enum ha_base_keytype {
#define HA_NOSAME 1 /* Set if not dupplicated records */ #define HA_PACK_KEY 2 /* Pack string key to previous key */ +#define HA_INDEX_HASH 4 /* */
you don't need HA_INDEX_HASH. See above, non-unique index on blobs should be just a normal b-tree index, no hash, subject to automatic key truncation, see sql_table.cc around the line with the comment /* not a critical problem */
+#define HA_UNIQUE_HASH 8
as you've found out already, there two bits are not free
#define HA_AUTO_KEY 16 #define HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY 32 /* Packing of all keys to prev key */ #define HA_FULLTEXT 128 /* For full-text search */ diff --git a/sql/field.h b/sql/field.h index 08905f2..2e6e0e4 100644 --- a/sql/field.h +++ b/sql/field.h @@ -628,6 +628,8 @@ class Field: public Value_source @c NOT @c NULL field, this member is @c NULL. */ uchar *null_ptr; + field_visible_type field_visibility=NORMAL; + bool is_hash=false;
please add a comment for is_hash or rename it to something that is self-explanatory. field_visibility, for example, is self-explanatory.
/* Note that you can use table->in_use as replacement for current_thd member only inside of val_*() and store() members (e.g. you can't use it in cons) @@ -3051,6 +3052,10 @@ class Field_blob :public Field_longstr { inline uint32 get_length(uint row_offset= 0) { return get_length(ptr+row_offset, this->packlength); } uint32 get_length(const uchar *ptr, uint packlength); + uint32 data_length(int row_offset=0) + { + return get_length(row_offset); + }
Huh? There was no Field_blob::data_length(), it was using the parent implementation Field::data_length(). That was returning pack_length(), that is Field_blob::pack_length(), which is simply packlength + portable_sizeof_char_ptr Now you've defined Field_blob::data_length() to return get_length(0). That is, you've changed the meaning of Field_blob::data_length(). Is that ok? Was old Field_blob::data_length() never used?
uint32 get_length(const uchar *ptr_arg) { return get_length(ptr_arg, this->packlength); } inline void get_ptr(uchar **str) @@ -3455,6 +3460,8 @@ class Create_field :public Sql_alloc max number of characters. */ ulonglong length; + field_visible_type field_visibility=NORMAL; + bool is_hash=false;
don't do that. gcc complains warning: non-static data member initializers only available with -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 and we don't use c++11 yet, because some of our compilers in buildbot don't support it.
/* The value of `length' as set by parser: is the number of characters for most of the types, or of bytes for BLOBs or numeric types. diff --git a/sql/handler.cc b/sql/handler.cc index 49e451e..e7d7815 100644 --- a/sql/handler.cc +++ b/sql/handler.cc @@ -5864,16 +5864,60 @@ int handler::ha_reset() DBUG_RETURN(reset()); }
- +/** @brief + Compare two records + It requires both records to be present in table->record[0] + and table->record[1] + @returns true if equal else false + */ +bool rec_hash_cmp(uchar *first_rec, uchar *sec_rec, Field *hash_field) +{ + Item_args * t_item=(Item_args *)hash_field->vcol_info->expr_item; + int arg_count = t_item->argument_count(); + Item ** arguments=t_item->arguments(); + int diff = sec_rec-first_rec; + Field * t_field; + for(int i=0;i<arg_count;i++) + { + t_field = ((Item_field *)arguments[i])->field;//need a debug assert + if(t_field->cmp_binary_offset(diff)) + return false; + } + return true; +}
1. please format the code like it's done elsewhere in the file. - in assignments: no space before '=', one space after - after a function/method must be one or two empty lines - in if/for/while: a space between the keyword and a parenthesys - in for() loop - a space after a semicolon - in function arguments - a space after a comma - not in the function above, but everywhere in your patch 2. it's better to avoid type conversion where it's not needed, for example, t_item->argument_count() returns uint, so your arg_count should be of that type too. 3. either write a completely generic function that compares two records given as pointers, or write a function that compares record[0] and record[1]. Ok, it looks you need to compare a record as a pointer with record[0]. Then remove first_rec, it only creates a false pretence that a function is more generic than it is. Instead, do int diff= sec_rec - hash_field->table->record[0]; (and, may be, rename sec_rec to "other_rec") 4. what do you mean "need a debug assert"? if you need it, add it :) if you want to add a debug assert, but don't know how - please, ask.
int handler::ha_write_row(uchar *buf) { - int error; + int error,result; Log_func *log_func= Write_rows_log_event::binlog_row_logging_function; + Field *field_iter; DBUG_ASSERT(table_share->tmp_table != NO_TMP_TABLE || m_lock_type == F_WRLCK); DBUG_ENTER("handler::ha_write_row"); DEBUG_SYNC_C("ha_write_row_start"); - + /* First need to whether inserted record is unique or not */ + /* One More Thing if i implement hidden field then detection can be easy */
this second comment is probably obsolete, you can remove it
+ for(uint i=0;i<table->s->keys;i++) + { + if(table->key_info[i].flags&HA_UNIQUE_HASH)
in fact, you don't need a special key flag. you can check, like if (table->key_info[i].key_part->field->is_hash) but a flag makes it kinda simpler, so if you like the flag, go ahead and use it (if you find an free bit for it). Perhaps, even, you can use the key flag and remove Field::is_hash? The field does not need any special treatment, does it? it only needs to be hidden.
+ { + field_iter=table->key_info[i].key_part->field;
why did you name it "field_iter"? it's not an iterator. may be "hash_field"?
+ int len =table->key_info[i].key_length; + uchar ptr[len];
we compile with -Wvla, so this will be a warning too. Just use ptr[9], for example. And add DBUG_ASSERT(len < sizeof(ptr));
+ if(field_iter->is_null()) + { + goto write_row;
no goto here, just break;
+ } + key_copy(ptr,buf,&table->key_info[i],len,false); + result= table->file->ha_index_read_idx_map(table->record[1],i,ptr, + HA_WHOLE_KEY,HA_READ_KEY_EXACT); + if(!result) + { + if(rec_hash_cmp(table->record[0],table->record[1],field_iter)) + DBUG_RETURN(HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY); + } + } + } + write_row:
and no label here
MYSQL_INSERT_ROW_START(table_share->db.str, table_share->table_name.str); mark_trx_read_write(); increment_statistics(&SSV::ha_write_count); @@ -5907,6 +5952,36 @@ int handler::ha_update_row(const uchar *old_data, uchar *new_data) DBUG_ASSERT(new_data == table->record[0]); DBUG_ASSERT(old_data == table->record[1]);
+ /* First need to whether inserted record is unique or not */ + /* One More Thing if i implement hidden field then detection can be easy */ + for(uint i=0;i<table->s->keys;i++) + { + if(table->key_info[i].flags&HA_UNIQUE_HASH) + { + /* + We need to add the null bit + If the column can be NULL, then in the first byte we put 1 if the + field value is NULL, 0 otherwise. + */ + uchar *new_rec = (uchar *)alloc_root(&table->mem_root, + table->s->reclength*sizeof(uchar));
do you know how alloc_root works? read include/mysql/service_thd_alloc.h memory allocated with alloc_root() can not be freed individually, it is freed when the complete MEM_ROOT is reset or destroyed. so, three problems here: 1. you allocate memory on MEM_ROOT in a loop. so, if the table has, say three HA_UNIQUE_HASH keys, you'll allocate the buffer three times, while one should've been totally sufficient 2. you allocate for every row that is inserted 3. you allocate it on the *TABLE::mem_root*. Table's memroot is freed only when a table is closed! So, if you create a table with three unique(blob) keys, and insert four rows in one statement: INSERT ... VALUES (),(),(),(),(). And repeat this insert five times, you'll allocate 3*4*5=60 reclength bytes. They'll not be freed, so if you repeat this insert five more times, it'll be 60 reclength more bytes. And so on :) I think the good approach would be to have, like TABLE::check_unique_buf row buffer. See that TABLE has now: uchar *record[2]; /* Pointer to records */ uchar *write_row_record; /* Used as optimisation in THD::write_row */ uchar *insert_values; /* used by INSERT ... UPDATE */ that's where you add uchar *check_unique_buf; it's initialized to 0. and on the first use you do, like if (!table->check_unique_buf) table->check_unique_buf= alloc_root(&table->mem_root, ...) and then you can freely use it for checking your unique constraints. it'll be allocated only once per TABLE.
+ field_iter=table->key_info[i].key_part->field; + uchar ptr[9];
better #define UNIQ_HASH_KEY_LEN 9 and use it everywhere
+ if(field_iter->is_null()) + { + goto write_row; + } + key_copy(ptr,new_data,&table->key_info[i],9,false); + result= table->file->ha_index_read_idx_map(new_rec,i,ptr, + HA_WHOLE_KEY,HA_READ_KEY_EXACT); + if(!result) + { + if(rec_hash_cmp(table->record[0],new_rec,field_iter)) + return HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY; + } + } + } + write_row:
this is the same code as in handler::ha_write_row, please combine them into one function (for simplicity you can use table->check_unique_buf also for INSERT)
MYSQL_UPDATE_ROW_START(table_share->db.str, table_share->table_name.str); mark_trx_read_write(); increment_statistics(&SSV::ha_update_count); diff --git a/sql/item.cc b/sql/item.cc index adf7031..2015752 100644 --- a/sql/item.cc +++ b/sql/item.cc @@ -5059,7 +5059,13 @@ bool Item_field::fix_fields(THD *thd, Item **reference) } else if (!from_field) goto error; - + if(from_field->field_visibility==FULL_HIDDEN) + { + my_error(ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR, MYF(0), (* reference)->full_name(), + thd->where); + from_field=NULL; + goto error; + }
So, you're patching the "search for field by name" process, pretending that the field does not exist if it's FULL_HIDDEN. This is, of course, correct. But I suspect you're doing it too late. Consider this case: create table t1 (b blob, unique (b)); create table t2 (db_row_hash_1 int, a int); select * from t1, t2 where db_row_hash_1=5; in this case, mariadb needs to search for db_row_hash_1 field in t1, should not find it, continue searching in t2, find it there. in your code it will find it in t1, and later reject it with ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR. there may be more complex cases, with subqueries and outer selects, views, etc. important part is - you need to reject FULL_HIDDEN field immediately when it's found, so that the search could continue in other tables, outer selects, etc. btw, don't forget to add tests for this behavior (one table or outer select has db_row_hash_1 visible field, another table has db_row_hash_1 FULL_HIDDEN field).
table_list= (cached_table ? cached_table : from_field != view_ref_found ? from_field->table->pos_in_table_list : 0); diff --git a/sql/item_func.cc b/sql/item_func.cc index 6edb276..889ac40 100644 --- a/sql/item_func.cc +++ b/sql/item_func.cc @@ -1916,6 +1916,37 @@ void Item_func_int_div::fix_length_and_dec() }
+longlong Item_func_hash::val_int() +{ + unsigned_flag= true; + ulong nr1= 1,nr2= 4; + CHARSET_INFO *cs; + for(uint i= 0;i<arg_count;i++) + { + String * str = args[i]->val_str(); + if(args[i]->null_value) + { + null_value= 1; + return 0; + } + cs= str->charset(); + uchar l[4]; + int4store(l,str->length()); + cs->coll->hash_sort(cs,l,sizeof(l), &nr1, &nr2);
looks good, but use my_charset_binary for the length.
+ cs->coll->hash_sort(cs, (uchar *)str->ptr(), str->length(), &nr1, &nr2); + } + return (longlong)nr1; +} + + +void Item_func_hash::fix_length_and_dec() +{ + maybe_null= 1; + decimals= 0; + max_length= 8; +} + + longlong Item_func_mod::int_op() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); diff --git a/sql/lex.h b/sql/lex.h index 22ff4e6..d7a4e14 100644 --- a/sql/lex.h +++ b/sql/lex.h @@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ static SYMBOL symbols[] = { { "HAVING", SYM(HAVING)}, { "HELP", SYM(HELP_SYM)}, { "HIGH_PRIORITY", SYM(HIGH_PRIORITY)}, + {"HIDDEN", SYM(HIDDEN)},
spacing! align it as all other rows are
{ "HOST", SYM(HOST_SYM)}, { "HOSTS", SYM(HOSTS_SYM)}, { "HOUR", SYM(HOUR_SYM)}, diff --git a/sql/share/errmsg-utf8.txt b/sql/share/errmsg-utf8.txt index 709ac55..9ae3ac6 100644 --- a/sql/share/errmsg-utf8.txt +++ b/sql/share/errmsg-utf8.txt @@ -7139,3 +7139,5 @@ ER_KILL_QUERY_DENIED_ERROR ER_NO_EIS_FOR_FIELD eng "Engine-independent statistics are not collected for column '%s'" ukr "Незалежна від типу таблиці статистика не збирається для стовбця '%s'" +ER_HIDDEN_NOT_NULL_WOUT_DEFAULT + eng "Hidden column '%s' either allow null values or it must have default value"
when you'll merge with 10.2 make sure this your new error will end up at the very end, after ER_EXPRESSION_REFERS_TO_UNINIT_FIELD
diff --git a/sql/sql_class.h b/sql/sql_class.h index 8bfc243..bb206a8 100644 --- a/sql/sql_class.h +++ b/sql/sql_class.h @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ class Key :public Sql_alloc, public DDL_options { LEX_STRING name; engine_option_value *option_list; bool generated; - + key_hash_type hash_type=NOT_HASH;
same as above about c++11
Key(enum Keytype type_par, const LEX_STRING &name_arg, ha_key_alg algorithm_arg, bool generated_arg, DDL_options_st ddl_options) :DDL_options(ddl_options), diff --git a/sql/sql_base.cc b/sql/sql_base.cc index e808fba..b2c8dfb 100644 --- a/sql/sql_base.cc +++ b/sql/sql_base.cc @@ -8343,6 +8343,8 @@ insert_fields(THD *thd, Name_resolution_context *context, const char *db_name,
for (; !field_iterator.end_of_fields(); field_iterator.next()) { + if(field_iterator.field()==NULL ||
eh... can it be NULL here, really?
+ field_iterator.field()->field_visibility==NORMAL){ Item *item;
if (!(item= field_iterator.create_item(thd))) diff --git a/sql/sql_insert.cc b/sql/sql_insert.cc index fcf8c14..2bfb288 100644 --- a/sql/sql_insert.cc +++ b/sql/sql_insert.cc @@ -723,7 +722,24 @@ bool mysql_insert(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *table_list, if (open_and_lock_tables(thd, table_list, TRUE, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } - + + context= &thd->lex->select_lex.context; + if(table_list->table!=NULL)
can table_list->table be NULL here?
+ { + Field ** f=table_list->table->field; + List<Item> * i_list = (List<Item> *)values_list.first_node()->info; + for(uint i=0;i<table_list->table->s->fields;i++) + { + if((*f)->is_hash ||(*f)->field_visibility==USER_DEFINED_HIDDEN) + { + i_list->push_front(new (thd->mem_root) + Item_default_value(thd,context),thd->mem_root); + } + f++; + } + } + List_iterator_fast<List_item> its(values_list); +
is that needed at all? one can always do INSERT t1 (a) VALUES (1) and all non-specified fields will get default values. without specifically adding Item_default_value to the list. So, it seems, that hidden fields will automatically get default values too.
lock_type= table_list->lock_type;
THD_STAGE_INFO(thd, stage_init); diff --git a/sql/sql_show.cc b/sql/sql_show.cc index 1cbad7e..60e586c 100644 --- a/sql/sql_show.cc +++ b/sql/sql_show.cc @@ -1932,6 +1931,26 @@ int show_create_table(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_list, String *packet, } append_create_options(thd, packet, field->option_list, check_options, hton->field_options); + //TODO need a better logic to find wheter to put comma or not + int i=1; + bool is_comma_needed=false; + if (*(ptr+i)!=NULL) + { + is_comma_needed=true; + while((*(ptr+i))->field_visibility==MEDIUM_HIDDEN || + (*(ptr+i))->field_visibility==FULL_HIDDEN) + { + i++; + is_comma_needed=true; + if(!*(ptr+i)) + { + is_comma_needed =false; + break; + } + } + } + if(is_comma_needed) + packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(",\n"));
agree about "better logic". You can do it like this: bool is_comma_needed= false; for (ptr=table->field ; (field= *ptr); ptr++) { if (is_comma_needed) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(",\n")); is_comma_needed= false; ... print field is_comma_needed= true; }
key_info= table->key_info; @@ -1946,6 +1965,22 @@ int show_create_table(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_list, String *packet, for (uint i=0 ; i < share->keys ; i++,key_info++) { KEY_PART_INFO *key_part= key_info->key_part; + if(key_info->flags&HA_UNIQUE_HASH||key_info->flags&HA_INDEX_HASH)
code formatting. spaces!
+ { + char * column_names= key_part->field->vcol_info-> + expr_str.str+strlen("hash"); + int length=key_part->field->vcol_info->expr_str.length; + length-=strlen("hash"); + packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(",\n")); + if(key_info->flags&HA_INDEX_HASH) + packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" INDEX `")); + else + packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" UNIQUE KEY `")); + packet->append(key_info->name,strlen(key_info->name)); + packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("`")); + packet->append(column_names,length);
I don't like that ±strlen("hash"). Better do it like this: static LEX_CSTRING uniq_hash_func={ STRING_WITH_LEN("hash" }; and instead of strlen("hash") you use uniq_hash_func.length, and below instead of explicit "hash" string in the mysql_prepare_create_table you use uniq_hash_func.str.
+ continue; + } bool found_primary=0; packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(",\n "));
@@ -5416,6 +5454,22 @@ static int get_schema_column_record(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, else table->field[17]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("VIRTUAL"), cs); } + /*hidden can coexist with auto_increment and virtual */ + if(field->field_visibility==USER_DEFINED_HIDDEN) + { + table->field[17]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("HIDDEN"), cs); + if (field->unireg_check == Field::NEXT_NUMBER) + table->field[17]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("auto_increment , HIDDEN"), cs); + if (print_on_update_clause(field, &type, true)) + table->field[17]->store(type.ptr(), type.length(), cs); + if (field->vcol_info) + { + if (field->stored_in_db) + table->field[17]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("PERSISTENT, HIDDEN"), cs); + else + table->field[17]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("VIRTUAL, HIDDEN"), cs); + } + }
eh, please no. don't duplicate the whole block. A variant that avoids it: StringBuffer<256> buf; if (autoinc) // this is pseudocode, see the correct condition is in the code above buf.set(STRING_WITH_LEN("auto_increment")) else if (virtual) buf.set(STRING_WITH_LEN("VIRTUAL"); ... if (hidden) { if (buf.length) buf.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(", ")); buf.append(STRING_WITH_LEN("HIDDEN")); } table->field[17]->store(buf.ptr(), buf.length(), cs);
table->field[19]->store(field->comment.str, field->comment.length, cs); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); diff --git a/sql/sql_table.cc b/sql/sql_table.cc index dae3b7a..d9322ca 100644 --- a/sql/sql_table.cc +++ b/sql/sql_table.cc @@ -3013,7 +3013,7 @@ int prepare_create_field(Create_field *sql_field, break; } if (!(sql_field->flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG) || - (sql_field->vcol_info)) /* Make virtual columns allow NULL values */ + (sql_field->vcol_info))
why did you remove this comment?
sql_field->pack_flag|= FIELDFLAG_MAYBE_NULL; if (sql_field->flags & NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG) sql_field->pack_flag|= FIELDFLAG_NO_DEFAULT; @@ -3223,6 +3222,130 @@ mysql_prepare_create_table(THD *thd, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info, bool tmp_table= create_table_mode == C_ALTER_TABLE; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_prepare_create_table");
+ /* + scan the the whole alter list + and add one field if length of blob is zero + TODO change to work for all too-long unique keys like varchar,text + */ + + List_iterator<Key> key_iter(alter_info->key_list); + Key *key_iter_key; + Key_part_spec *temp_colms; + int num= 1; + bool is_long_unique=false; + int key_initial_elements=alter_info->key_list.elements; + while((key_iter_key=key_iter++)&&key_initial_elements) + { + key_initial_elements--; + List_iterator<Key_part_spec> key_part_iter(key_iter_key->columns); + while((temp_colms=key_part_iter++)) + { + while ((sql_field=it++) &&sql_field&& my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, + temp_colms->field_name.str, + sql_field->field_name)){} + if(sql_field && (sql_field->sql_type==MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB || + sql_field->sql_type==MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB|| + sql_field->sql_type==MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB) + &&temp_colms->length==0) + { + is_long_unique=true; + /* + One long key unique in enough + */ + it.rewind(); + break; + } + // if(sql_field->sql_type==MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR) + it.rewind(); + } + if(is_long_unique) + { + /* make a virtual field */ + key_part_iter.rewind(); + Create_field *cf = new (thd->mem_root) Create_field(); + cf->flags|=UNSIGNED_FLAG; + cf->length=cf->char_length=8; + cf->charset=NULL; + cf->decimals=0; + char temp_name[30]; + strcpy(temp_name,"DB_ROW_HASH_"); + char num_holder[10]; //10 is way more but i think it is ok + sprintf(num_holder,"%d",num); + strcat(temp_name,num_holder); + /* + Check for collusions + */ + while((dup_field=it++)) + { + if(!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info,temp_name,dup_field->field_name)) + { + temp_name[12]='\0'; //now temp_name='DB_ROW_HASH_' + num++; + sprintf(num_holder,"%d",num); + strcat(temp_name,num_holder); + it.rewind(); + } + } + it.rewind(); + char * name = (char *)thd->alloc(30); + strcpy(name,temp_name); + cf->field_name=name; + cf->stored_in_db=true; + cf->sql_type=MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG; + /* hash column should be atmost hidden */ + cf->field_visibility=FULL_HIDDEN; + if(key_iter_key->type==Key::UNIQUE) + key_iter_key->hash_type=UNIQUE_HASH; + else + key_iter_key->hash_type=INDEX_HASH; + cf->is_hash=true; + /* add the virtual colmn info */ + Virtual_column_info *v= new (thd->mem_root) Virtual_column_info(); + char * hash_exp=(char *)thd->alloc(252); + char * key_name=(char *)thd->alloc(252); + strcpy(hash_exp,"hash(`"); + temp_colms=key_part_iter++; + strcat(hash_exp,temp_colms->field_name.str); + strcpy(key_name,temp_colms->field_name.str); + strcat(hash_exp,"`"); + while((temp_colms=key_part_iter++)){ + strcat(hash_exp,(const char * )","); + strcat(key_name,"_"); + strcat(hash_exp,"`"); + strcat(hash_exp,temp_colms->field_name.str); + strcat(key_name,temp_colms->field_name.str); + strcat(hash_exp,"`"); + } + strcat(hash_exp,(const char * )")"); + v->expr_str.str= hash_exp; + v->expr_str.length= strlen(hash_exp); + v->expr_item= NULL; + v->set_stored_in_db_flag(true); + cf->vcol_info=v; + alter_info->create_list.push_front(cf,thd->mem_root); + /* + Now create the key field kind + of harder then prevoius one i guess + */ + key_iter_key->type=Key::MULTIPLE; + key_iter_key->columns.delete_elements(); + LEX_STRING *ls =(LEX_STRING *)thd->alloc(sizeof(LEX_STRING)) ; + ls->str=(char *)sql_field->field_name; + ls->length =strlen(sql_field->field_name); + if(key_iter_key->name.length==0) + { + LEX_STRING *ls_name =(LEX_STRING *)thd->alloc(sizeof(LEX_STRING)) ; + ls_name->str=key_name; + ls_name->length=strlen(key_name); + key_iter_key->name= *ls_name; + } + key_iter_key->columns.push_back(new (thd->mem_root) Key_part_spec(name, + strlen(name), 0),thd->mem_root); + + } + is_long_unique=false; + } + it.rewind();
why are you doing it here, in a separate loop, insead of doing it where ER_TOO_LONG_KEY is issued?
select_field_pos= alter_info->create_list.elements - select_field_count; null_fields=blob_columns=0; create_info->varchar= 0; @@ -3241,7 +3364,7 @@ mysql_prepare_create_table(THD *thd, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info, /* Set field charset. */ save_cs= sql_field->charset= get_sql_field_charset(sql_field, create_info); if ((sql_field->flags & BINCMP_FLAG) && - !(sql_field->charset= find_bin_collation(sql_field->charset))) + !(sql_field->charset= find_bin_collation(sql_field->charset)))
typo. please revert
/* @@ -3274,7 +3397,17 @@ mysql_prepare_create_table(THD *thd, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info, DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } } - + if(sql_field->field_visibility==USER_DEFINED_HIDDEN) + { + if(sql_field->flags&NOT_NULL_FLAG) + { + if(sql_field->flags&NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG)
do it in one if(), not in three, please
+ { + my_error(ER_HIDDEN_NOT_NULL_WOUT_DEFAULT, MYF(0), sql_field->field_name); + DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); + } + } + } if (sql_field->sql_type == MYSQL_TYPE_SET || sql_field->sql_type == MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM) { @@ -3831,8 +3968,8 @@ mysql_prepare_create_table(THD *thd, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info, sql_field->charset->mbminlen > 1 || // ucs2 doesn't work yet (ft_key_charset && sql_field->charset != ft_key_charset)) { - my_error(ER_BAD_FT_COLUMN, MYF(0), column->field_name.str); - DBUG_RETURN(-1); + my_error(ER_BAD_FT_COLUMN, MYF(0), column->field_name.str); + DBUG_RETURN(-1); }
indentation is two spaces, not one
ft_key_charset=sql_field->charset; /* @@ -3874,10 +4011,9 @@ mysql_prepare_create_table(THD *thd, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info, if (f_is_geom(sql_field->pack_flag) && sql_field->geom_type == Field::GEOM_POINT) column->length= MAX_LEN_GEOM_POINT_FIELD; - if (!column->length) + if (!column->length)
again, as a couple of times above - tabs confuse you and you mess up the indentation :(
{ - my_error(ER_BLOB_KEY_WITHOUT_LENGTH, MYF(0), column->field_name.str); - DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); + DBUG_ASSERT(0); } } #ifdef HAVE_SPATIAL @@ -7420,7 +7557,10 @@ mysql_prepare_alter_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table, while ((drop=drop_it++)) { if (drop->type == Alter_drop::COLUMN && - !my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info,field->field_name, drop->name)) + !my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info,field->field_name, drop->name)
+ /* we cant not drop system generated column */ + && !(field->field_visibility==MEDIUM_HIDDEN + ||field->field_visibility==FULL_HIDDEN)) { /* Reset auto_increment value if it was dropped */ if (MTYP_TYPENR(field->unireg_check) == Field::NEXT_NUMBER && @@ -7444,7 +7584,10 @@ mysql_prepare_alter_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table, while ((def=def_it++)) { if (def->change && - !my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info,field->field_name, def->change)) + !my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info,field->field_name, def->change)
and again
+ /* we cant change system generated column */ + && !(field->field_visibility==MEDIUM_HIDDEN + ||field->field_visibility==FULL_HIDDEN)) break; } if (def) @@ -7512,6 +7655,51 @@ mysql_prepare_alter_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table, table->s->table_name.str); goto err; } + /* Need to see whether new added column clashes with already existed + DB_ROW_HASH_*(is must have is_hash==tru) + */ + for (f_ptr=table->vfield ;f_ptr&&(field= *f_ptr) ; f_ptr++) + { + if ((field->is_hash)&&!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info,field->field_name,def->field_name)) + { + /* got a clash find the highest number in db_row_hash_* */ + Field *temp_field; + int max=0; + for (Field ** f_temp_ptr=table->vfield ; (temp_field= *f_temp_ptr); f_temp_ptr++) + { + if(temp_field->is_hash) + { + int temp = atoi(temp_field->field_name+12); + if(temp>max) + max=temp; + } + } + max++; + + Create_field * old_hash_field; + while((old_hash_field=field_it++)) + { + if(!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info,old_hash_field->field_name, + field->field_name)) + { + field_it.remove(); + break; + } + } + /* Give field new name which does not clash with def->feild_name */ + new_hash_field = old_hash_field->clone(thd->mem_root); + char *name = (char *)thd->alloc(30); + strcpy(name,"DB_ROW_HASH_"); + char num_holder[10]; + sprintf(num_holder,"%d",max); + strcat(name,num_holder); + new_hash_field->field_name=name; + new_hash_field->field=field; + new_hash_field->change=old_hash_field->field_name; + new_create_list.push_front(new_hash_field,thd->mem_root); + field_it.rewind(); + } + }
okay... I wonder, if it would be easier not to look for collisions in mysql_prepare_alter_table, but simply rename all is_hash columns in mysql_prepare_create_table(). then you'll only need to do it in one place.
/* Check that the DATE/DATETIME not null field we are going to add is either has a default value or the '0000-00-00' is allowed by the @@ -7609,6 +7799,25 @@ mysql_prepare_alter_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table, } if (drop) { + /* If we drop index of blob unique then we need to drop the db_row_hash col */ + if(key_info->flags&HA_UNIQUE_HASH||key_info->flags&HA_INDEX_HASH) + { + char * name = (char *)key_info->key_part->field->field_name; + /*iterate over field_it and remove db_row_hash col */ + field_it.rewind(); + Create_field * temp_field; + while ((temp_field=field_it++)) + { + if(!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info,temp_field->field_name,name)) + { + field_it.remove(); + //add flag if it not exists + alter_info->flags|=Alter_info::ALTER_DROP_COLUMN; + break; + } + } + field_it.rewind();
this should be a little bit more complicated. an index can cover many columns, so the index should be dropped when its last column is removed. I suppose you've already done that, I need to pull and check.
+ } if (table->s->tmp_table == NO_TMP_TABLE) { (void) delete_statistics_for_index(thd, table, key_info, FALSE); @@ -7766,6 +7979,48 @@ mysql_prepare_alter_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table, my_error(ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX, MYF(0), key->name.str); goto err; } + List_iterator<Key_part_spec> key_part_iter(key->columns); + Key_part_spec * temp_colms; + Create_field * sql_field; + field_it.rewind(); + while((temp_colms=key_part_iter++)) + { + while ((sql_field=field_it++)) + { + if(!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, + temp_colms->field_name.str, + sql_field->field_name)) + { + if(sql_field->field_visibility==MEDIUM_HIDDEN||sql_field->field_visibility==FULL_HIDDEN) + { + /* If we added one column (which clash with db_row_has )then this key + is different then added by user to make it sure we check for */ + if(new_hash_field) + { + if(sql_field!=new_hash_field) + { + my_error(ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS, MYF(0), sql_field->field_name); + goto err; + } + } + else /*this is for add index to db_row_hash which must show error */ + { + my_error(ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS, MYF(0), sql_field->field_name); + goto err; + }
I don't quite understand these your conditions, but the logic should be like this: MEDIUM_HIDDEN can be indexed, FULL_HIDDEN can never be.
+ } + /* Check whether we adding index for blob or other long length column then add column flag*/ + if((sql_field->sql_type==MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB || + sql_field->sql_type==MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB|| + sql_field->sql_type==MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB|| + sql_field->sql_type==MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB) + &&(temp_colms->length==0)) + alter_info->flags|=Alter_info::ALTER_ADD_COLUMN;
really? why don't you simply set this flag when you actually create new Create_field and push it into the list?
+ } + } + } + field_it.rewind(); + } }
diff --git a/sql/sql_update.cc b/sql/sql_update.cc index 4221025..4955881 100644 --- a/sql/sql_update.cc +++ b/sql/sql_update.cc @@ -92,24 +92,24 @@ bool compare_record(const TABLE *table) } return FALSE; } - - /* + + /* The storage engine has read all columns, so it's safe to compare all bits including those not in the write_set. This is cheaper than the field-by-field comparison done above. - */ + */ if (table->s->can_cmp_whole_record) return cmp_record(table,record[1]); /* Compare null bits */ if (memcmp(table->null_flags, - table->null_flags+table->s->rec_buff_length, - table->s->null_bytes_for_compare)) + table->null_flags+table->s->rec_buff_length, + table->s->null_bytes_for_compare))
in this file you've done *only* whitespace changes, some of them are ok, but many result in broken indentation, please fix them all!
return TRUE; // Diff in NULL value /* Compare updated fields */ for (Field **ptr= table->field ; *ptr ; ptr++) { if (bitmap_is_set(table->write_set, (*ptr)->field_index) && - (*ptr)->cmp_binary_offset(table->s->rec_buff_length)) + (*ptr)->cmp_binary_offset(table->s->rec_buff_length)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; diff --git a/sql/sql_yacc.yy b/sql/sql_yacc.yy index e614692..4872d20 100644 --- a/sql/sql_yacc.yy +++ b/sql/sql_yacc.yy @@ -1271,6 +1271,7 @@ bool my_yyoverflow(short **a, YYSTYPE **b, ulong *yystacksize); %token HEX_NUM %token HEX_STRING %token HIGH_PRIORITY +%token HIDDEN
HIDDEN_SYM, please
%token HOST_SYM %token HOSTS_SYM %token HOUR_MICROSECOND_SYM @@ -6047,6 +6048,11 @@ vcol_attribute: lex->alter_info.flags|= Alter_info::ALTER_ADD_INDEX; } | COMMENT_SYM TEXT_STRING_sys { Lex->last_field->comment= $2; } + | HIDDEN + { + LEX *lex =Lex;
no need to do that ^^^ you can simply write Lex->last_field->field_visibility=...
+ lex->last_field->field_visibility=USER_DEFINED_HIDDEN; + } ;
parse_vcol_expr: @@ -6469,6 +6475,11 @@ attribute: new (thd->mem_root) engine_option_value($1, &Lex->last_field->option_list, &Lex->option_list_last); } + | HIDDEN + { + LEX *lex =Lex; + lex->last_field->field_visibility=USER_DEFINED_HIDDEN; + }
no need to repeat this twice. Try to remove HIDDEN, COMMENT_SYM, UNIQUE, and UNIQUE KEY rules from attribute and add the vcol_attribute instead.
diff --git a/sql/table.h b/sql/table.h index eb4076e..982de6f 100644 --- a/sql/table.h +++ b/sql/table.h @@ -321,6 +321,24 @@ enum enum_vcol_update_mode VCOL_UPDATE_ALL };
+/* Field visibility enums */ + +enum field_visible_type{ + NORMAL=0,
+ USER_DEFINED_HIDDEN, + MEDIUM_HIDDEN, + FULL_HIDDEN +}; + +enum key_hash_type{ + /* normal column */ + NOT_HASH=0, + /* hash for defination index(A,...) in this case no duplicate will be checked */ + INDEX_HASH,
there's no point in having a hash index for blobs, if it doesn't check for duplicates
+ /* hash for defination unique(A,...) in this duplicate will be checked in ha_write_row and + update */ + UNIQUE_HASH +}; class Filesort_info { /// Buffer for sorting keys. diff --git a/sql/table.cc b/sql/table.cc index a90eb2e..31d8f1e 100644 --- a/sql/table.cc +++ b/sql/table.cc @@ -785,7 +785,8 @@ static bool create_key_infos(const uchar *strpos, const uchar *frm_image_end, keyinfo->ext_key_parts= keyinfo->user_defined_key_parts; keyinfo->ext_key_flags= keyinfo->flags; keyinfo->ext_key_part_map= 0; - if (share->use_ext_keys && i && !(keyinfo->flags & HA_NOSAME)) + if (share->use_ext_keys && i && !(keyinfo->flags & HA_NOSAME) + )
{ for (j= 0; j < first_key_parts && keyinfo->ext_key_parts < MAX_REF_PARTS; @@ -985,7 +990,7 @@ int TABLE_SHARE::init_from_binary_frm_image(THD *thd, bool write, if (length < 256) goto err; } - if (extra2 + length > e2end) + if ( extra2 + length > e2end)
goto err; switch (type) { case EXTRA2_TABLEDEF_VERSION: @@ -1040,7 +1048,6 @@ int TABLE_SHARE::init_from_binary_frm_image(THD *thd, bool write, if (extra2 != e2end) goto err; } -
nope, revert
if (frm_length < FRM_HEADER_SIZE + len || !(pos= uint4korr(frm_image + FRM_HEADER_SIZE + len))) goto err; @@ -1671,7 +1678,8 @@ int TABLE_SHARE::init_from_binary_frm_image(THD *thd, bool write, if (!reg_field) // Not supported field type goto err;
- + reg_field->field_visibility=(field_visible_type)*field_properties++;
please, add a feature status variable for it. search, for example, for "feature_fulltext" or "feature_gis". Just as feature_gis, you can increment your feature_hidden_column when a table with user-created hidden columns is opened. better use c++ casts here, like static_cast<field_visible_type>(*field_properties++) won't look as multiplication :)
+ reg_field->is_hash=(bool)*field_properties++;
you don't need a cast at all, but if you want to keep it, use C++ cast
reg_field->field_index= i; reg_field->comment=comment; reg_field->vcol_info= vcol_info; @@ -1985,6 +1993,10 @@ int TABLE_SHARE::init_from_binary_frm_image(THD *thd, bool write, if ((keyinfo->flags & HA_NOSAME) || (ha_option & HA_ANY_INDEX_MAY_BE_UNIQUE)) set_if_bigger(share->max_unique_length,keyinfo->key_length); + if(keyinfo->flags&HA_UNIQUE_HASH||keyinfo->flags&HA_INDEX_HASH) + { + keyinfo->ext_key_parts=1;
+ } } if (primary_key < MAX_KEY && (share->keys_in_use.is_set(primary_key))) diff --git a/sql/unireg.h b/sql/unireg.h index 10751b6..211749a 100644 --- a/sql/unireg.h +++ b/sql/unireg.h @@ -186,7 +186,8 @@ enum extra2_frm_value_type { EXTRA2_TABLEDEF_VERSION=0, EXTRA2_DEFAULT_PART_ENGINE=1, EXTRA2_GIS=2, - + EXTRA2_FIELD_FLAGS=3, + EXTRA2_KEY_HASH_FLAG=4,
make it 129 and 130
EXTRA2_ENGINE_TABLEOPTS=128, diff --git a/sql/unireg.cc b/sql/unireg.cc index 66959f4..0d764a1 100644 --- a/sql/unireg.cc +++ b/sql/unireg.cc @@ -204,7 +224,8 @@ LEX_CUSTRING build_frm_image(THD *thd, const char *table, if (gis_extra2_len) extra2_size+= 1 + (gis_extra2_len > 255 ? 3 : 1) + gis_extra2_len;
- + extra2_size+=1 + ( 2*create_fields.elements > 255 ? 3 : 1) + + 2*create_fields.elements;// first one for type(extra2_field_flags) next 2 for length
for backward compatibility it would make sense to add this EXTRA2_FIELD_FLAGS data *only* if you have hidden fields.
key_buff_length= uint4korr(fileinfo+47);
frm.length= FRM_HEADER_SIZE; // fileinfo; diff --git a/storage/maria/maria_def.h b/storage/maria/maria_def.h index 7337b01..3d0860f 100644 --- a/storage/maria/maria_def.h +++ b/storage/maria/maria_def.h @@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ struct st_maria_handler
/* The UNIQUE check is done with a hashed long key */
#define maria_unique_store(A,B) mi_int4store((A),(B))
extern mysql_mutex_t THR_LOCK_maria;
Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and security@mariadb.org