Hi, Tekang! On Jan 24, Tekang Check wrote:
I am Tekang Mengwe, a third year Accounting student at the University of Buea. I am interested in contributing code to MariaDB and participating in the 2015 round of the Google Summer of Code. While looking at the projects. I'm interested in Database replication and would love to do some work in this respect. I am proficient in C/C++ and code as a hobby. I will greatly appreciate any assistance in this respect.
This is great! At the moment - it's too early for GSoC - we haven't even prepared a GSoC 2015 page with project ideas. But they will come from our task/bug tracker anyway, and a couple of weeks ago we've started preparing tasks. Take a look at https://mariadb.atlassian.net/issues/?jql=labels%3Dgsoc15 and don't hesitate to ask if something isn't clear. Over time we'll clarify these tasks and add more of them. But all GSoC 2015 tasks will be tagged with gsoc15 label, so that url above will always show the up-to-date list of GSoC 2015 tasks. Regards, Sergei