Hi, With the lots of builders now included in our Buildbot, the status pages are getting difficult to get an overview of. I therefore enabled the Buildbot category feature. I grouped the builders into the following four categories: main These are the main builders, which are well-working and should always be green package These are the builders for package testing. There are a lot of these, so I put them in their own category. experimental These are the builders that are not stable, ie. they crash/disconnect a lot or have other problems that makes them unreliable for checking for problems in new commits. THESE NEED TO BE FIXED so they can move into category main! new New builders that are not fully operation yet (eg. missing bzr installation or similar). I also added some simple forms to be able to select among these on the main page (reload to clear browser cache): http://askmonty.org/buildbot/ Please someone help with getting the many builders in experimental fixes! http://askmonty.org/buildbot/waterfall?category=experimental&branch=5.1 Eg. all of the Windows builders are currectly experimental because of multiple problems with crashes, hangs, stuck processes, etc. etc. - Kristian.