2014-05-21 9:36 GMT+03:00 Stewart Smith <stewart@flamingspork.com>:
Otto Kekäläinen <otto.kekalainen@seravo.fi> writes:
I've been thinking about this too, but I haven't formed an opinion yet on what is the best way to introduce this. I assume there are many debianists who don't like data collection, and server admins who simply don't want new dialogs to mess up their automated installation systems. If I introduce this as a low priority question, most who install will not be prompted. I need to think more around this..
Just as a side note, Percona Xtrabackup is pending to be removed from Debian this month unless due to the privacy issues of the "call home" feature: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=751377 In Debian the MariaDB feedback plugin needs to be strictly opt-in to avoid similar fate. I will look later at adding a opt-in question during the installation phase in Debian. -- Check out our blog at http://seravo.fi/blog and follow @ottokekalainen