Finially I finished my project on recursive CTE, so I can resume working on my project of GSOC 2016.
I said in my previous post, I decided to start with building items
clones (items are used to build different kinds of expressions in
Items are typical tree structures. If I just copy a node
in the item structure, pointers to the subtrees won't be right.
Fortunately this pointers can be fixed in the method
Item_func_or_sum::build_clone. To copy nodes we use copy constructor. As
we don't know the type of the node in general the copy constructor
should be virtual. I called it get_copy. It should be implemented for
each terminal class of items. There are dozens of such classes.
How they could be caught?
I used the following trick.
My get_copy for the base class Item is 'pseudo-abstract':
Item *tem::get_copy(...) { dbug_print_item(this); DBUG_ASSERT(0); return 0; }
Here dbug_print_item(this) helps me to understand for which class get_copy is missed.
I call now method build_clone, for example in JOIN::optimize_inner(),
to build a clone for the WHERE condition, and launch tests, it'll be
easy for me to understand for which classes lack implementations of
Here I've faced some minor problem: how to skip the queries that are excuted by mtr before it starts running the tests.
Anybody knows?
(Now I have a workaround: call build_clone() conditinally and manually trigger the condition. Of course it's not nice.)
Best wishes,
Galina Shalygina.