Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org> writes:
Paul McCullagh <paul.mccullagh@primebase.org> writes:
You are welcome to make the changes to the PBXT tests. For the PBXT trunk we are still using 5.1.35 for testing, but this should not be a problem.
Ok, will do, I will send you a link to the patch/commit.
Here it is: https://lists.launchpad.net/maria-developers/msg01535.html - Kristian. PS. I now get this in the mysqld.err log after server shutdown in PBXT test suite: 091124 13:09:45 [Warning] Plugin 'MyISAM' will be forced to shutdown 091124 13:09:45 [Warning] Plugin 'PBXT' will be forced to shutdown Do you know anything about what this means? Is it a problem to be fixed, or just a harmless warning caused by the test suite framework? - Kristian.