Hi, Paul! On Nov 14, Paul Hewson wrote:
Hello, I'm trying to follow the instructions on https://mariadb.com/kb/en/how-to-enable-tokudb-in-mariadb/ which imply there is more tuned version of tokudb for mariadb than I might get by following instructions at tokutek.
However, I have ubuntu 13.04 (raring), and despite some mismatch in numbers (I have maria 10.0 rather than 5.5) I am getting an empty file when I try to apt-get install mariadb-tokudb-engine-10.0
I found a bit of discussion about this point, but got the impression it had been fixed. Does it mean it was fixed and the debs were removed? If so, do you mind if I ask where I get the mariadb tokutek sources.
It's marked "Fixed" in our bug tracker: https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-5264 And "Fix Version/s" is 10.0.6, which means, when we release 10.0.6 you will be able to install tokudb just fine. It doesn't make sense to look for a workaround, 10.0.6 will be released soon, just wait a little bit. Regards, Sergei