Hi, Justin! On Mar 09, Justin Swanhart wrote:
I agree with Kristian. Given the way it works, the statistics are really meaningless and I feel you shouldn't drive important choices based on bad statistics.
Of course. This statistics is not *the only* argument. For important decisions there are always many aspects to consider. The statistics is just another data, in addition to "and *I* think that every user needs feature X and never uses the feature Y" :)
I personally would suggest displaying a link to a feedback/survey form with web downloads and display a message after rpm/deb installation that says something like "please visit http://blah/blah/blah/survey to tell us more about the features you use and help direct the future development of MariaDB". This has an added bonus: not all users know about all features, and a list/survey of the important and interesting ones could get more users to use them.
A survey is a pretty good idea, thanks! It may not provide a much better (as in "representative sample") statistics, but it will surely tell the users about the features. Regards, Sergei