Otto Kekäläinen <otto@seravo.fi> writes:
I assume Github.com changed how they query dates from git, as there is an option for time format output in git. I can't find any time input format options, so that is not anything we can change AFAIK.
The thing is, just today I pushed a test commit to my own repo, and it worked with respect to buildbot, no error. Then I pulled your repo and pushed that, and I got the error. I just tried pushing a test commit again, and no error. So somehow the "Z" as timezone comes in depending on setup. Maybe it depends on which time zone one is in, or has configured locally? I am not sure, I just know that it works for some commits and not for others...
Otherwise, I suppose we need to ask Daniel to upgrade buildbot to something that fixes this issue. There is a patch in the Buildbot track ticket, but it might be some work to upgrade... [..] Should be fixed also (it's just an old build).
But we'll need to sort out the problem with the github integration...
Can you launch the builds manually now once and then we'll wait until the github integration is fixed with a later release of Buildbot?
Done. - Kristian.