Hi, sanja! On Jan 13, sanja@askmonty.org wrote:
revno: 3014 revision-id: sanja@askmonty.org-20110113180607-e5hc8zuugxxjtn6k parent: psergey@askmonty.org-20110112083018-90rw058f00uslvoz committer: sanja@askmonty.org branch nick: work-maria-5.1-CREATE timestamp: Thu 2011-01-13 20:06:07 +0200 message: New table creation/renaming block added if old encoded table present.
First: there is no test case for the new (as compared with the previous patch) change. Second: I think "old_path" does not belong to the check_table_file_presence() function. The function simply checks if the file exists, there is no place for the concept of "old path" here. You need to take care of the renaming for upgrade and old path outside of check_table_file_presence(). Regards, Sergei