Hi, Sergey! On Dec 16, Sergey Vojtovich wrote:
Are you sure we want to fix that at all? Definitely daemon_example.
The rest is nice to have (e.g. I wouldn't want my app to exit if embedded gets --print-defaults).
But the fix should be different: change of abort to exit makes little sense. Either we should pass through error code, or disable code which is never executed by embedded/libmysqlclient with ifdefs.
okay. for mysys that means error codes, meaning API changes.
If you don't mind I'll push daemon_example part of this fix and remove my_abort_hook: one line less in lintian report is a progress still.
sure Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and security@mariadb.org -- Vote for my Percona Live 2016 talks: https://www.percona.com/live/data-performance-conference-2016/sessions/maria... https://www.percona.com/live/data-performance-conference-2016/sessions/maria...